Love In The Nick Of Time;14

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          Once when Naya was a small 12 year old she found a picture in the basement of her old house of her father. Hania Morell was in his early twenties, slow dancing with Jaci Morell his bride. The picture was a symbol of love and light and Naya had never forgotten the picture ever since. When she looked at it the first time in the dusty basement she knew that's what she wanted love to look like. 

         Now at 16 years old Naya looks back and forth between the raging man she was bound to for eternity and a door which held her best friend. There has never been a time they were at odds, and Naya doesn't know where to fit herself in the situation of either going and making sure Bella is safe, or getting Jacob out of here. 

         Jake is pacing, his hands itching to crush or ruin something. Naya can feel the frustration rolling off of him like a wave. 

"She could be getting eaten alive right now and we'll just be out here sitting like stupid ducks because of the treaty!" rage fills his tone, one Naya has never placed Jake with. 

       Walking forward Naya rests a hand on the side of his face, he stops automatically. Jake sighs, finding that  Naya has a power over him that will trump anything else he's ever felt before. He relaxes into her her hand, jaw unclenching. 

"We either go in there, or we leave." Naya finally finds her voice, it's a little shaky, yet firm. 

       Jake takes in a breath. "I can't leave knowing whether or not she's safe or not." 

"Good, let's go then." Naya doesn't hesitate before walking towards the scent of the vampire. 

       The scent burns her nose as she gets closer to the door, Jake hot on her heels. Naya opens the door, first noticing that there's nothing abnormal in the house beside's the scent of the vampire. 

"Bella! Werewolves are not good company to keep!" Naya rounds a corner to find the owner of the voice. A vampire no doubt with the chime in her voice a scent to her armored skin. Naya can't help but feel enamored by the woman's pixie cut and latest fall fashion. When she pictured a Cullen, this woman sitting here was not it. 

        Jacob side steps in front of Naya, not wanting her any closer to the vampire. "Speak for yourself." Jake chimes in, interrupting the conversation. 

       The Cullen jumps up at the sound of Jacob's voice. She notices Naya right away, her fierce eyes never straying away from Alice. "We had to see you were okay." Jake explains the intrusion. 

"I thought you couldn't protect me here?" Bella questions, her eyes surprised to see her best friends here, especially when the treaty is so valued. 

        Naya finds her voice, stepping away from Jake's warmth. Standing tall on her own. "We couldn't leave, treaty or no treaty."  

"Well I'm not going to hurt her." The vampire chimes in. 

        Jake doesn't like how close the two are, Naya and Alice. He almost seethes, looking her up and down. "No, you're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella because of you." 

"Victoria?" she furrows her eyebrows in question. 

         Bella gives a nod. "Yeah Victoria's been around." she sarcastically laughs. 

"I didn't see her, I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either," the vampire pauses, looking back and forth between Bella, Jake, and Naya. "I can't see past you and your pack of mutts!" Her lips curl upwards. 

         Naya lets her own lip curl upward into a small growl. Jake takes a step in front of Naya. "Don't get me upset! Or things are going to get very ugly." He threatens, before Naya takes a step in front of him. 

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