Meeting Bella; 2

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"Naya come here, please!" Jaci calls to her daughter who was currently hanging up her dream catcher by her window. Naya walks out of her room seeing a man with a wheel chair and a tall boy, with long dark hair. He was handsome, and somewhat familiar. 

"Uh, hi." she waves and Jacob sends her a warm smile back. 

"Naya, this is, Billy and Jacob Black." her mother introduces and it clicks. 

"Oh! Sorry, it's been a while." Naya couldn't believe that was Jacob Black. The kid she used to throw mud at as a kid, was now looming over her in height and seemed crazy buff. 

"Couple of years," Jake agree's and Naya smiles at him, then at Billy. 

"Naya, they came to help paint." Jaci informs and Naya nods. 

"Well, Jake is. Can't say I'm much use." Billy jokes and Jake and Naya laugh lightly. 

"We'll take all the help we can get." Jaci smiles. 

"Here I'll take you to my room, and we can get started." Naya offers. They had already grabbed the paint from a store in town, now all they needed was to get it on the walls. 

Jake and Naya walk into the bare purple bedroom and Jake laughs looking at it. 

"I know it's bad, which is why I need your help." Naya says embarrassed looking around the room. 

"Nah, hand me the paint brush." Jake comforts and Naya hands him the paint brush and opening the can of paint. Naya was surprised at how at ease she was with Jacob, she didn't mind the silence. The pauses were actually nice. 

"So Jacob, tell me what crazy things have I missed in La Push?" Naya asks wanting to know what she's missed in her home town. 

Jake laughs his arms going up and down with the brush "Just about nothing besides a few wicked bonfires." Jake explains and Naya smiles. She remembers going to one, vaguely. Her Dad had brought her, and all the kids were told old tribe stories. To this day, Naya could remember this story of the Cold Ones. 

"They were wicked weren't they?" she agree's turning to look at Jake. 

"What about you?" Jake asks turning to look at her face. She shrugs, nothing important happened. 

"I guess the same, nothing but a few white kid parties." Jake shakes his head while laughing. Naya laughs with him, dipping more paint. 

Jake looks at Naya noticing how different she was, and sure the last time he saw her she was five, but there was something about her. It was like they hadn't spent years and years apart. 

"So, besides helping me paint my bedroom which I'm sure is the highlight of your day, what would you rather be doing?" Naya asks wanting to more about the boy. 

Jake pauses before answering "Building things, cars, motorcycles, so if you ever need a mechanic I'm your guy."  

Naya nods impressed, she could totally see Jake getting a rush out of that. "I'll keep that in mind." she says dipping more paint onto the brush. 

"What about you Naya? I'm sure de purpling a room isn't your thing." Jake teases and Naya laughs. 

"Oh no Black, this is my passion," she smirks and Jake laughs. Naya bits her lip stopping for a second "I like crafting I guess. My dad was really into it, and we used to always have things of his around the house." Naya tells looking over her shoulder to see the dream catcher her dad had made right before he passed away. 

Jake nods silently, he didn't want to bring up old wounds. The two paint away, talking, laughing, and everything in between taking breaks every once and a while. 

Naya had finished her day of school, and it was a lot better knowing most of the kids there. She had a few classes with Quil and Jake making things a lot easier. But everyone knowing her past brought an element she was dreading ever since she entered La Push territory. 

"Yo Naya, you coming over? Bella's coming to work on the bikes and I want you to meet her." Jake calls to her as she was heading home. Jake had talked about Bella often, and Naya wondered if there was more to the story. 

"Sure, I only have Science tonight anyways." she agree's seeing as she didn't live far from the Black residence. 

"Cool let's go then." Jake says and leads the way to his place. Naya follows beside him quickly seeing as Jake was a lot taller than her. 

By the time they got there, an orange red truck was parked outside of Jake's shed. Naya assume's it's Bella considering she's never seen the truck before. Naya looks as a girl with black hair and crazy pale skin steps out of the truck. Jake walks closer, smiling at Bella. 

Bella walks over and looks at Naya then to Jake. "Naya, this is Bella, Bella this is Naya." 

Realization dawns on Bella's face "Oh you're Naya, Jake's told me about you." Bella says and Naya nods awkwardly, and she could have sworn she saw Jake blush. 

"Yeah, Jake's told me a lot about you. Building bikes huh?" Naya points over her shoulder to the shed. Bella nods. 

"Yeah, thought it be fun." she lies awkwardly, but Naya didn't notice. 

The three walk into the shed together and Naya see's two shells of bikes in the middle along with a car in the back. Naya pulls up a seat next to Jake and Bella sits on the coach behind them. 

"So, Naya. Jake says you just moved back?" Bella says and Naya turns to face Bella. 

"Yeah, lived on the rez till I was five then my mom and I moved to Spokane. We got back just a week ago." Naya explains and Bella nods, knowing what that was like. 

"Yeah I just moved back last year, actually." Bella says remembering what it was like being the new kid at school who everyone knew. 

"Sucks right?" Naya asks hoping someone would connect with her. 

"Totally." Bella agrees. Naya looks back to Jake to see his hair, which was longer than hers tied into a pony tail as he worked. 

"So, Jake is there anything I can do?" Naya asks looking around seeing all of the parts. 

Jake shakes his head looking at the bike and Naya. "If you could hand me that wrench that'd be great." Jake points to a wrench on his table of tools and Naya moves to pass it to him. Jake smiles at Naya, and goes to work on the bike again. 

"So, you guys don't mind if I hang here for the next few days right?" 

Hiya. So I kinda fit the plot in now, she meets Bella which is nice. Idk I'm really loving Naya right now, plus I'm just such Twilight trash it's not okay. I hope you're all enjoying I'm really looking forward to start writing the next few chapters!! Love you all so much. 


P.S. gif is Naya 

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