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"Come on Naya! Pass it!" Seth's hand go to grab the smoked ribs Naya holds.

Naya growls at him. "This is my first serving, Seth! You've had five."

The youngest Clearwater grumbles as Naya serves herself. The campfire roars to life as everyone helps themselves to the banquet of food, Sam, Emily, and Sue all served up. Jaci had her hand in the desserts. Jacob moves to sit in between Naya's legs, as she sits on one of the logs lining the fire.

"Pass the corn Quil." Jake holds out his hand for his newly shifted best friend to pass the huge tray of corn on the cob.

Quil loads his plate with five pieces of corn before handing it off to Jacob. Naya finally passes the ribs back to Seth, greedy to be sure. Jaci sits next to Naya with a laugh, she was happy to see her daughter fitting right in. Back in Spokane things were good, but it wasn't home. She was happy to be apart of a community, back with her people. Though she wasn't from this tribe, they've never treated her any differently.

"I guess I understand the phrase 'hungry like a pack of wolves' now." Jaci mutter into Naya's ear.

Naya laughs, looking around to see her family, her pack. These were the people she felt the most protected, loved, and cared for by. Though she's content, she can't help but feel like there was one person missing.

"Hey," Jake pats her knee. "You're good?" he questions, noticing the way Naya was starting to drift off.

Looking down on her imprint, arguably the most important person in her life, her heart lightens. She leans forward, placing a kiss to the top of his head. Naya watches the fire catch his eyes and smiles, despite life throwing surprises around seemingly every corner, she was happy as long as she has her people by her side.

"Yeah," she pauses. "I'm good."



Wow!! Caged! Is! Done! I've been writing this 16 chapter book for four whole years! Can you believe it? That's actually insane to me?? I've learned to love Naya a whole fcking lot, she's such a safe place to come home too. And I learn with her every chapter, for which I am eternally grateful for. Thank you to everyone who's ever clicked on a chapter, who's voted, who's commented, and to add it to your reading lists. I never thought this story would hit 10K! I never really thought this story was going to go anywhere, but here we are! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Now you might be thinking, Jules will there be a sequel for Eclipse? Well yes friend there is! and the title is..... drum roll please......


Catch it on my profile coming up the next couple of days hopefully! Just fine tuning some stuff and trying to figure out some plot points! But we will be back with some Naya shortly!

sosososo much love,


P.S. gif is Naya.

feb 6/2019

Caged//Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now