Chapter 0.

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The first thing I registered was a steady beeping sound coming from somewhere to my left. I tried to open my eyes but they felt too heavy. Then I heard voices around me, a mans deep monotone, "She should be awake by now Mrs. Peabody. Something's gone wrong."

"Patience," A female voice responded, "I have a good feeling about this one."

I was slowly gaining feeling in my arms and legs, but I felt... weird. As though I'd forgotten how it felt to have a body. And I was confused. I didn't understand what these people were talking about.

"You're sure the DNA we meshed was compatible?" The male voice probed.

"Oh yes," said the woman, "I think the results will be quite... fascinating." I felt my breathing speed up as I began to panic, the beeping sped up to match. The man began to talk again but the female voice cut him off, "Be quiet! She's waking up!"

I realized the woman was right, my eyelids had begun fluttering without my noticing. I felt strangely out of touch with my body. I flexed my fingers, and they felt different. They felt strong. I took a deep breath, and opened my new eyes.

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