Chapter 1. Penguin's Deal

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I blinked slowly at the light filtering into the room. I was lying on a lumpy old mattress in the corner of a bare, concrete room. There was a single window on one side. The glass was so dusty and filthy though, it was impossible to see through. The only other things in the room were my few possessions, and a messy nest of sleeping bags and pillows from when Selina stayed over. Selina didn't like to stay in one place too long. Some nights she stayed here, other nights there, most of the time no one knew exactly where to find her. Of course that's how Selina liked it though.

I pulled the ratty blanket tighter around myself  for just a moment as a draft came through the room again. Then with a sigh, I got up to get dressed. Most of my wardrobe was more or less the same. I wore what I could find and what I could steal. Mostly I had old jeans, hoodies and tattered t-shirts. My army jacket, with the gray fleece sleeves and hood was the one item I wore almost everyday. That, along with black lace up boots that were scratched up and worn down from running through Gotham. Before heading out I pulled on my black "gloves" that were so torn that I had ended up just cutting off the fingers. I smiled as I put on my scarf next, I had stolen it out of some girls bag the other day. It looked practically new, and was probably the nicest thing I owned now.

There were faint voices outside, but I quickly put them out of my mind. I had to focus on my plans for the day. I was going to see the Penguin. Selina had gotten in pretty good with him, just like she had with Fish. So he was willing to work with those of us that Selina personally recommended. I made most of my income from basic pick-pocketing and such, like most of the homeless kids of Gotham. But if you were lucky you could find someone to do work for. The power holders of Gotham new just how useful street kids could be. They were cheap to hire, knew the city well, and had eyes and ears everywhere. So I had been planning on visiting old Cobblepot for a while now. There was only so much to take from the pockets of Gotham's trash.

I composed a straight face as I walked through the door of "Oswald's," the neon umbrella sign hanging out front. So early in the day, the place was still basically empty. But Penguin sat in one of the dark booths looking over some sort of paper work. I slid over silently into the seat across from him. 

"Oh! Heavens you startled me Eden. Quit doing that." Penguin gasped in his odd little voice. 

"I heard you've got a job for me." I smiled but got straight to the point. I tried to never let it show when I was nervous or uncertain. The people in this city took advantage of the weak like they were free meals. So I put up a tough front, even when I was freaking out inside. 

Without looking up Penguin replied, "Oh yes I was wondering if you could deliver a little... message for me." 

"Yeah I can do that. Who am I delivering it to exactly?" I raised an eyebrow.

He glanced up now, "I need you to deliver something to Officer Granite." 

"Of the GCPD?" I asked my eyes widening. "A building full of cops isn't exactly the best place for me to be, Penguin." I explained. 

His eyes narrowed slightly, "That's Mr. Penguin to you. And I'm willing to pay double the usual Eden.." Penguin glanced up with a persuasive smile. 

"Triple." I said. It might sound like I was pushing my luck, but I wasn't exactly being paid a lot to begin with. 

"Fine. But just this one time. And don't go telling your little friends, I don't need them all asking for pay raises." 

I smiled triumphantly, "Yeah sure thing Mr. Penguin."

I took the letter and exited the club. My boots made a nice sound against the concrete as I made my way to the police station. I reminded myself to get in there, deliver the note, and get out. Fast. As long as I stuck to that simple plan, nothing would go wrong. Right?

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