Chapter 7. The Show's About to Start

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Oh my god, I literally haven't been able to update all week. You guys have no idea! Someone spilled water on my laptop and I couldn't use it until it got fixed. Longest week of my life, but now I'm back and ready to update! :P sorry for the wait. I'll probably upload a short chapter to give you something to read while I work on a longer one. Enjoy:

-P.M <3


I glared out the window of the van as we tumbled down the streets that morning. I was in a bad mood. Theo had decided that he didn't trust the guys to carry out the plan alone. So I was a tag along on babysitting duty, and I had to put the stupid prison clothes back on. The tires screeched as the van made an excruciatingly sharp turn. Greenwood was driving, and I was growing more and more irritated at whoever made that decision. Dobkins and Aaron were sitting in the middle row and I was stuck in the back seat with Jerome. Great.

I kept my hair over my shoulder to hide my face and continued to stare out the window. I didn't want to even give him the chance to bother me. My bare feet were pulled up beneath my legs, as far from him as possible. But of course I should have known that my ignoring him would only make him more obnoxious(if possible that is). Since none of us bothered with wearing seat belts Jerome could move around all he liked. I could feel him watching me and waiting for a reaction. Every time we turned he would act as though his spine turned to jelly and dramatically fall and slump across the whole back seat. I tried to contain my smile as I sensed him growing more impatient and frustrated as I refused to notice his efforts.

This time when we turned a corner, Jerome decided to throw himself across the seat directly ON to me. I was instantly beginning to regret starting this little game of his. His back slumped over my shoulder and then fell into my lap as I began to shout 

"JEROME!" Now he was laughing. My feet slid back to the floor under his weight and he was left lying across my legs staring up at my expression. 

Jerome quickly composed his face and made his best "innocent" face, "Yes Eden?" He smiled sweetly. 

"What the actual hell are you doing?"

"Just getting comfortable. Why? Aren't you comfortable Eden? Do I make you uncomfortable?" He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. I was about to respond when Greenwood slammed on the brakes harder than usual and Jerome was sent tumbling off the seat onto the car floor.

This time I was the one that couldn't stop laughing. He had seemed so smug and arrogant before falling to the ground. 

"Ha. Ha. You think that's funny do you sweetheart?" Jerome sat up with a straight and serious expression. I smiled and nodded. He pretended to laugh as he got up "Yeah ha ha, you like to laugh Eden? Do you?" He teased before lunging at me and tickling me. I involuntarily laughed and screamed trying to fight him off and he seemed to be enjoying that even more than when he was annoying me earlier. I grabbed both of his wrists and held his hands away from me to stop him. But now he smiled slyly and slid his hands down to grab mine, interlacing our fingers. For some reason my face felt hot. He cocked an eyebrow up and smiled widely in victory, "I win."

I stuck out my tongue at him. I knew it was childish but I also knew it would bug him. Then I ripped my hands out of his and swung my feet up on the seat. I was now sitting with my back against the window, my legs locked out, with my feet preventing Jerome from getting any closer. I folded my arms stubbornly and waited to see what he would do now. He looked down at my feet as though they were a challenge. It was right about then that I started having second thoughts about showing him up. His long hands wrapped around my ankles and pulled me across the seat easily right to him. Now he was close. Close enough for me to count the freckles on his nose and see my own reflection in his intense stare. I felt his breath on my face and for once I didn't know what to say. I wasn't about to admit defeat but I didn't have a clue what to do either.

"That's two out of three sweetheart, what do I win this time?" Jerome smiled mischievously. My breath caught in my throat. I struggled to regain my composure.

"First of all, I am NOT your sweetheart. And as for that- uh, I don't know maybe I WON'T punch you in the nose?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

His eyes narrowed. "Yeah that isn't exactly how it works princess." I could see he was serious so I did the only reasonable thing to do. I spat right in his face. Jerome looked surprised to say the least. Then he sort of tasted his lips and looked back at me with a thoughtful expression. 

"That was strangely pleasant." A signature grin lit up his face and he leaned in even closer to me, "Do it again!"

I backed away in disgust and was relieved to realize that we were just arriving at the location. Jerome saw me look behind him and turned around as we parked against the curb. He looked back at me once more excitedly, "Show time."

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