Sting x Reader ~My balcony?

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It sure is dark out... I think, staring out into the void. The moon twinkled uselessly amongst the billions of stars. It was pretty in its own right- but nothing could match the stars. How flawless, it sure is a calm night. I gently ran my hand over (E/n)'s fur. The magical cat was sleeping in my lap, tail wrapped over their nose.

Despite the calming exterior, something felt off. I felt as though I was forgetting something. Something... mildly important. It struck me at once. My plants! I had forgotten to water them. Although it was just a hobby, I would feel extremely saddened if any were to die.

I frantically leapt up, consequently launching (E/n) off. They yelped and glared at me coldly. The cat slicked its fur down as it spoke.

"I didn't appreciate that, you jerk."

There was no way to suppress my giggle, and I responded to their statement with a friendly head pat.

"I forgot to water my plants, sorry. We'll have dinner right after this and then sleep. Sound okay?"

The exceed gently tapped their chin with a paw, considering my offer.

"Sounds perfect! What are we having?" They asked.


"Pancakes." The exceed made an exaggerated 'yes!' motion with both paws as they spoke.

I quickly filled a small pitcher with water, pushing open the doors to my balcony. The cool breeze nipped at my cheeks until they were dyed a sweet cherry. Night was always my favorite time. It was so quiet, so peaceful. Usually. Tonight; however, I wouldn't be so lucky.

My mouth fell agape when I peered towards my botanical masterpieces. What the hell happened?! Plants I had owned for years were toppled over, stems snapped and leaves askew. Dirt absolutely coated the cement. Who did this?! Why? I couldn't contain my disappointment.

I carefully picked my way over to the largest pot. Shards of clay were scattered about.... and that wasn't even the most surprising part of it all.

There, in the middle of it, lay a man. He had blonde hair that illuminated under the moonlight. It was almost as though he had an ethereal glow about him. His eyes were closed, and I was immediately worried he was dead. Lucky for me, his chest had a slow and steady rise.

Who would sleep on my balcony, and why? How the hell did he get eighteen stories high?! He must be a wizard. It was the only obvious conclusion. Unless regular, non-magic users had suddenly gained flight.

I leaned over to wave my hand over his face, attempting to get his attention. A dumb move, really.

"Sir? I'm sorry, are you okay?"

No reply. Not sure why I thought that would work, but it was worth a shot. I began to shake him gently to no avail. Obviously, he was very unconscious. Hard way it is.

I grasped his arm and tugged it with all of my strength. He didn't so much as groan and his body moved but an inch. Porcelain scratched at his skin, making blood well in the wounds. Now I had a second problem to deal with. Fuck, this is gonna be a long night.

"Why did you bring a stranger into our house, (Y/n)?!" (E/n) shrieked, waving their arms around wildly. "What an idiotic move! What the hell were you thinking? He could be a murderer! Kidnapper! Evil scientist!" They chastised.

I shrugged, sheepishly rubbing the back of my head. "He's unconscious! He can't really do much, you know? What if he's really hurt?!"

(E/n) placed a paw to their forehead with a sigh. "I suppose one night won't hurt, but he's gone in the morning. You hear?"

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