Natsu x Reader~ Don't Touch Me

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I really shouldn't be doing this, my mind whispered. Someone is going to end up hurt. A despondent smile broke through my calm facade, showing my internal debate. Gently, I pulled the sleeve of my hoodie down to meet the cuff of the glove. Not a single inch of skin is showing, I argued back. It's fine. Footsteps tensely approached the door, light as feathers.

My fingers hesitated over the cool brass knob. I couldn't feel it through my glove, but I could imagine the feeling of metal against skin. I yearned for it. My hand slowly withdrew. Doing this would be selfish, it will hurt innocent people. Scuffling echoed from behind the barrier, and the next thing I knew all of the air exited my lungs. The ground flew out from beneath me in a single moment.

The stranger and I collided with the rocks harshly, sending my body barreling across the cool stone. It was almost instinctive how my fingers found a groove and summersaulted me onto two feet. He was odd looking, and it left me wondering if pink hair ran in his family.

"Who are you?" He questioned, tilting his head like a clueless puppy. I imagined how things were from his point of view: a cloaked stranger with only their (e/c) eyes showing. My cape caught a gust of wind, flaring up ominously.

I straightened my spine. On one hand, my mind began, he couldn't catch me if I ran. I didn't temporize any further. My feet acted on their own accord, sending me into a dazed sprint. 'Don't touch me' played in my head like a broken record.

"Hey!" He bellowed, scrambling after me. "You were outside our guild hall! Did you want to join? I didn't mean t-" I kicked off with a jolt from my sprint, collecting my feet beneath me to gracefully perch on a branch. The pink-haired boy sat below me with a confused stare.

"I don't want to join your guild," I lied through my teeth. He awkwardly scratched his head at my response.

"Then why were you outside of Fairy Tail?" My eyes flit to the roof nearby. I sprinted to the end of the tree branch, kicking off with enough momentum to carry me onto the shingles. My feet forced themselves into the grooves until I stopped sliding.

"I mean no harm to your precious Fairy Tail," I mumbled. "I did originally wish to join, but it was a naive fantasy."

"That's not true. Fairy Tail welcomes everybody!"  He declared exuberantly, practically forcing my eyes to roll. Does he not know when to stop? I ignored him and turned to leave. Perhaps solitude did suit me best. It was hopeless to want anything else. Wishing doesn't make it so, I whispered internally.

"What the hell!" I screeched, a dead weight attaching its self to my back. I felt the roof give way beneath my feet.

"Gotcha!" I heard the pinkette declare, not quite aware of our predicament.

Damn you, I spat internally. My hands flew out to face the ground. The gravity around us immediately reversed. Hands from the person on my back separated as we floated upwards, allowing me to gingerly step back onto the ceiling.

My cape flowed behind me like a raging river as I whipped around to face my foe. Rage boiled in my body.

"I knew it! You are a wizard!" He screeched.

I bit my tongue to keep from lashing out, leaning over to gently run my gloved fingers along the edge of the hole we had created.

"This is somebody's home, you are aware of that, right? Somebody is going to come home to their safe place having been broken into. Do you have any regards for other people's property?" I snarled and stood erect.

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