Clan Potter

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Albus stood in front of his parent's cottage in Godric's Hollow, trying to muster up the courage to step through the front door. He was fairly certain that his mum would be fine with his news, but the revelation that her youngest son was gay and in a relationship with his best friend would irrevocably change how she saw him. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that.

Scorpius slipped his hand into Albus' and the fear and tension that had gripped him lessened.

"You ready for this?" asked Scorpius. Albus looked between his childhood home and his boyfriend; his past and his future. He gave Scorpius' hand a slight squeeze and nodded. As he pushed open the gate to the picturesque cottage, his heart began to hammer painfully in his chest.

You'll be fine, you'll be fine... he told himself over and over again as he approached the front door. Albus felt like he was having an out-of-body experience, watching himself knock and push open the cottage door, kicking the snow off of his shoes before stepping further into the house, holding onto Scorpius' hand for dear life.

"It's me!" he shouted, before adding. "And Scorpius."

Scorpius flashed him a wide grin, pulling off his wool hat and stuffing it into his coat pocket. His platinum locks stuck out in all directions and he tried to smooth it down.

"Do I look alright?" he asked, looking worried for the first time. Albus kissed his cheek.

"You look amazing," he said sincerely and Scorpius blushed. He tugged Scorpius' hand, "Come on. They're probably all in the kitchen helping Mum with the dinner."

Walking down the long corridor towards the back of the cottage, Albus took a deep breath before pushing the kitchen door open and stepping inside. The conversation in the kitchen immediately died and Albus froze, horror struck, as not only his mother, father and siblings were in the kitchen, but a large number of his extended family, as well; Aunt Hermione stood in the far corner of the room with Uncle Ron and his other siblings, all grinning mischievously at him. His grandparents sat at the kitchen table with several of his cousins, including Rose and Pippa who winked at Albus. Luna and his godfather Neville were there too, waving enthusiastically at him. Merlin, even Teddy and his girlfriend Daisy were here. The kitchen was packed with Weasleys and they were all staring fixedly at Albus and Scorpius who both stood paralysed with shock by the kitchen door, holding each other's hands tightly.

"Al. Scorpius," called Harry, pushing his way passed everyone to reach them. He smiled sheepishly at them and pulled them both into an awkward hug. "Merry Christmas, boys."

"You promised you wouldn't say anything," hissed Albus, glaring at his father.

"I didn't!" Harry whispered. "Everyone already knew when they turned up this morning."

Albus drew an accusatory look over his father's shoulder at his sister.

"Don't look at me!" she protested loudly. "I kept my mouth shut."

Her eyes darted towards their cousin Hugo, who sat at the kitchen table trying and failing to hide behind a tankard of butterbeer. He looked up apologetically at Albus and Scorpius.

"Sorry guys," he grimaced. "But you know what my mum's like--"

"Excuse me?" cried Hermione indignantly, putting her hands on her hips. "What exactly are you insinuating?"

Hugo sunk lower into his seat and mumbled, "Nothing."

"I think your mistake Hermione, was telling Ron," George chipped in unhelpfully. "He's incapable of keeping a secret."

"Oi!" Ron shouted angrily at his brother. "I told you about the boys in confidence! You shouldn't have told Angie!"

"She's my wife, you plum," he sneered. "Of course I was going to tell her! It wasn't our fault Mum overheard us talking about it..."

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