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Albus lay in bed later that night, his mind racing. He listened to Scorpius snoring softly beside him, wondering how the hell this had even happened.

After the ice-skating they'd come back to the flat and watched television for the rest of the day in relative silence. Scorpius had asked him several times what was wrong, but Albus shrugged him off saying he just had a headache. It wasn't like he could tell him.

Sorry Scorp, but I think I've fallen in love with you.

No. Albus didn't even want to imagine the look of horror his best friend would pull if he admitted that.


Albus rubbed his tired eyes but he knew he wouldn't be having a restful night's sleep tonight. He replayed in his mind all the moments leading up the point where he realised his feelings for Scorpius were more than platonic in nature. When had he become so attentive to the actions of Scorpius' lips when he spoke, the way the corner of his lips tugged when he laughed? When had he first noticed the little flecks of gold in Scorpius' grey eyes, or how soft his hands were when he had guided Albus across the ice rink? How thrilling and frightening and right it had felt when Scorpius had pulled their bodies closer together to stop him from falling?

He turned onto his side and hugged his knees close to his chest, a maelstrom of emotions brewing inside of him. Admittedly, their relationship had always been intense, but Albus had always put that down to the fact that they spent so much time together - they lived, studied, ate and slept in the same room together for seven years. They were best friends. Who wasn't this close to their best friend?

Who got butterflies in their stomach every time their best friend smiled at them? Who wondered how soft their best friend's lips would be if they kissed?

Too many questions, all with difficult answers that Albus didn't care to admit, even to himself. Careful not to rouse Scorpius, Albus slowly climbed out of the bed and snuck as quietly as possible into the kitchen. Tea and isolation is what he needed right now. And maybe a slice of toast.

Albus stood staring into space as he waited for the kettle to boil, trying to untangle the mess of his own feelings. He tried to convince himself that it was just a silly crush, but deep down he knew better. Christ, what was he going to do? Why did his emotions have to betray him like this? Couldn't he just have five minutes in his life without there being some kind of drama? Albus was so lost in his morose thoughts he didn't hear someone entering the kitchen.

"Evening," Pippa greeted him brightly. Albus jumped and spilt milk on the counter.

"Shit," he muttered, mopping up the mess with a kitchen towel. "What are you doing up at this hour?"

"I only just got in, actually," she explained, collapsing into a chair at the small kitchen table. "We stayed in the club after our shift ended. How come you're still up?"

"Can't sleep," he grumbled, avoiding her gaze. The last thing he needed was a Legilimens looking inside his head, not when his thoughts were in total disarray.

"Ooh, is the kettle just boiled?" she asked, kicking off her shoes and rubbing her sore feet. "Can I have a cup?"

"Sure," he sighed. "Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee," she said. "Black, no sugar."

Albus quickly assembled her coffee and sat the cup on the table for her before turning his back on her again, hoping that would be the end of the conversation. But Pippa wasn't taking the hint.

"Are you and Scorpius busy next weekend?" she asked. Albus shrugged and said nothing.

"We're having a Christmas party in the flat," she continued without prompting. "Just a few workmates and uni friends. You boys coming or have you got other plans?"

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