Tea and Sympathy

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Hunger eventually forced Albus and Scorpius to emerge from the seclusion of their bedroom. Pippa was sitting cross-legged in the far corner of the livingroom, engrossed in hanging delicate crystal decorations on a large Christmas tree that hadn't been there the night before. Rose stood in the centre of the room, using her wand to suspend tinsel on the ceiling and around the window frame. Both girls turned when they heard the boys enter, hand in hand.

"Morning, boys," Pippa greeted them brightly. "Have a good night?"

"Uh, yeah, you could say that," laughed Scorpius, squeezing Albus' hand. Albus blushed and gave him a shy smile. Pippa's grin broadened until she resembled a Cheshire cat.

"I bet," she replied silkily.

"We're about to make breakfast," said Scorpius loudly over Pippa's sly comment. "Are you guys wanting anything to eat?"

"It's lunchtime," Rose pointed out. "But no thank you, I've already eaten."

"Same," said Pippa turning back to continue decorating the tree. "There's a breakfast pack in the fridge."

"Cool," replied Scorpius brightly and bounced out of the kitchen, Albus turned to follow.

"Hey, Albus," called Pippa, inclining her head. "C'mere."

Albus paused and turned back to face the girls.

"Yeah?" he asked cautiously.

"I take that your little chat last night went well?" she asked, beaming. Albus grinned.

"Yeah, it did," he confirmed. Well, they didn't need to know how little chatting was involved. Pippa nodded approvingly.

"We're really happy for you both," she said sincerely. "So, does this mean we'll be seeing you around here more often? After the holidays, I mean."

"Yeah, probably," he agreed.

Well, not as often as I would like, he realised. This was after all, only a holiday. The thought of leaving Scorpius and returning the the misery and monotony of London-life punctured the feelings of elation that he had been carrying with him since last night.

"If you don't want to go, don't go," Pippa suggested. "I'm sure Scorpius will be happier with that arrangement."

Albus sighed and rolled his eyes, "Pippa, I've already asked you not to do that."

"Sorry," she grimaced. "It really is a force of habit. But in all seriousness, if you're not happy with something in your life, make a change. Talk to Scorpius."

"What about my course?" he thought aloud. Pippa shrugged.

"You've already said it yourself, you're not even into Transfiguration that much," she pointed out. "What's the point of doing something you're not passionate about, even if you are good at it?"

"I'm not sure if I actually told you that or if you've been dipping into my head again," said Albus. "But you're right. I only started the course because I was expected to do something; I just didn't know what else to do with myself."

"Even if you weren't considering moving up here to be with Scorpius, I'd still tell you to drop the course," said Pippa seriously. "Think about what you're really passionate about, Albus. If you do a job you love, you'll never work a day in your life."

"If you're going to move in here, you'll need to pay your way like the rest of us," Rose warned. "No free lodging here."

Albus rolled his eyes, "Nothing's set in stone Rose, we're just talking out ideas. You really think Scorpius would want that?"

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