Forbidden (Pietro x Reader)

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"No! Superhero! Boys!" You huffed as your dad yelled at you. Every since you became old enough to like boys your dad has always lectured you about dating people in SHIELD. You were never interested in them considering they were too old to date but who else would be into? You were homeschooled, constantly with your dad at any SHIELD location, and never allowed out without him or a shield agent.

"What would I do if I lost you because of my job?" He would alway ask. You would just shrugged. He was right about the hurt part but why did you have to be trapped inside? Like today, you sat in a bedroom inside of the Avengers HQ, just scrolling through social media. You were basically just scrolling by every photo you saw but stopped when you saw an ad that caught your attention.

Coming this week to Central Park: Art, Music and Food Festival!! Free admission, bring the whole family!!

You remembered the last time you had went to a festival. You were very young and eager to do all the activities. You would pull your dad around, yelling "come on, come on, come on!" You remember the huge smile he had when he saw how happy you were to be there.

"Maybe he'll let me go...or at least take me." You mumbled to yourself. You took a quick screenshot and bit your lip. You hated asking your dad to go places because it was always the same thing. He'd look like he was considering it and then completely crash your hopes with a sincere no. But, you shot off your bed and went to find your dad. You were lucky to find him in the first place you looked, his current bedroom. He wasn't looking in your direction so you made sure to softly say, "Hi Dad." He turned to greet you with a warm smile.

"Hi hon." He said. You noticed his full shield uniform and boots which could mean he was either going somewhere work related or came back from somewhere work related. He seemed a little off. "I was about to come get you actually so I'm glad you're here." You sighed lightly. So he is going somewhere...WE'RE going somewhere, I should say. You thought to yourself.

"What's up?" You asked, losing your pep. He turned his full attention to you explain what was going on. He informed you that you both would be going to Stark tower so that he could 'discuss some urgent matter' with Mr. Stark. You had never been to Stark Tower before so that was exciting, but you thought drifted back to the festival. "How long will we be there?" You asked. Your dad took a moment to think.

"I'm not sure. Could be all night to be honest with you." He said. You felt your heart sink in disappointment.

"Oh." Was all you could mumble. He had a look of concern on his face.

"What's the matter?" He asked in his fatherly tone. You sighed. Here goes. You told yourself.

"Do you remember when I was younger and we used to go to those go to fair and festivals?" You asked. You knew you were gonna have to butter him up in order for him to consider going. He let a smile go across his face and you even heard him let out a little laugh.

"Yes I do." He said. You smiled back.

"Well there a festival in Central Park tonight and I realllllyyyy want to go..." You dad's smile faded but you continued to talk. "It'll he just like old times! And a lot of fun!" He sighed deeply and walked closer to you. Based on his expression it wasn't looking good.

"Listen sweetheart, as of right now, the night isn't looking so good. We need to go to Mr. Stark's for a very serious matter. I have no idea how it's gonna take." He explained. He began to move you out the room while you thought on what to argue next.

"If we leave early enough can we go?" You asked. He didn't want to answer and you could see that all over his face.

"We'll talk about it later. Now, let's go to the car. Happy is outside waiting." He walked past you without another word. You let out a ling huff and followed behind.

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