Roomates (Sam x Reader)

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"Hey Sam." You said, as you walked into the kitchen. Sam stood in the living room chugging some water.

"Hey." He said when he was finished. You noticed his sweat stained sweatshirt and assumed that he went running with Steve.

"Is Steve here?" You asked. You're main concern was the fact that you were still in the shirt and shorts that you had wore to bed. But yet your question cause Sam to get a confused look on his face.

"Why do you want to know?" His question cause you to look at him with confusion. You laughed a little bit you didn't like his envious tone.

"I figured you guys run with each other." You said. Sam still wasn't completely convinced with your answer. "What? Jealous?" You asked, in a teasing tone. You heard Sam scoff at your question.

"No." He said, sounding offended by your question. You couldn't help but to smirk. You have always known that Sam had a crush on you from the moment you met him. It was weird how Sam was when it came to flirting. There was times where he was obvious with it, times where he tried to hide it, and times where he got jealous. At the moment it was clear that he was jealous. The question was, were you going to let it slide or mess with him a bit.

"Geez I was just wondering! Don't want Steve to see me so underdressed." You said. You saw him quickly look over to see what you were wearing, probably wondering how 'underdressed' you really were. After a few moments of silence, you heard Sam force out a laugh.

"Got a crush on him?" He asked. You could tell he was trying to act like he was joking along with you. You hummed while pretending to fake think.

"I mean he is awfully handsome. Why, do you think he's into me?" You asked.

"Are you?" He asked. You bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing at Sam's back and forth.

"Why do you want to know?" He looked at you, almost appearing angry that his word would came back to haunt him.

"Just curious. If my close friend and roommate are gonna date, shouldn't I know about it?" He asked. Sam laid back on the living room couch. "Beside, he's going after someone at work." He added. Although, Sam couldn't see you over the couch you faked a frown.

"Oh well..." You sighed. You walked over to the couch and leaned over it, to look at his face. "Can you shower before you lay all over our couch? You're all sweaty!" You said. Sam sighed deeply but lifted himself off of the couch.

"Why do you gotta nag at me like we're an old married couple?" He said.

"I'm just yelling at you because you should know not to lay in the couch when you're all sweaty." Sam shuffled his feet all the way to his room. You listened to him look through his clothes until he came out of his room. He showed you the clean clothes in his hand and grinned.

"Good enough for you dear?" He asked you in a sarcastic tone. You couldn't help but to shame you head at him. You matched his wide grin.

"Perfect honey." You said, playing along. Before he disappeared into the bathroom you quickly added "You wish you were married to me." You couldn't see his face but you told yourself it was priceless.

When evening came around, you found yourself pouring wine into a glass. You didn't often drink but you the sudden desire for a glass or two. You took a sip out of the glass of red liquid. "Wineo." You shot a glare at Sam but he just smirked at you before opening the fridge. You saw him take out a water bottle.

"Have a glass with me." You said, stopping him from cracking the bottle open. He stared at large wine bottle in your hand.

"I'd rather have a beer." He said. You rolled your eyes at his masculine remark.

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