Lost Baby (Lincoln x Reader)

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Guys I need help! I haven't done a Fitz part and idk what to write for him! Comment any request. I'll also take non Fitz request!

You and Lincoln walked around the abandoned house. "Mrs. and Mr. Wilson!" You yelled. The house was torn apart. Hydra really did a number on this place.

"Anything?" Phil asked through the walkie talkie.

"Nothing yet." Lincoln answered. "Hello!" He yelled.

"This is what makes me nervous about being a couple and SHIELD agents." You mumbled.

"We're doing good at it." He said.

"I know but it still worries me." You said. You stopped when you heard a loud noise from down a hallway. "Do you hear that?" You asked. Lincoln stopped and listened.

"Yeah it sounds like crying." He whispered. You sneaked down the hall with Lincoln close behind.

"It's coming from in here." You whispered pointing at the door. He nodded.

"Me first." He said. You nodded. He grabbed the knob and took a deep breath. He quickly swung the door open. You peeked in to see nothing but you did hear crying. You pushed past past Lincoln.

"It's someone who needs help." You said.

"I'm gonna check the other rooms." Lincoln said. You nodded. You listened closely and heard the crying from the closet. You slowly opened the door. You looked down and saw a baby.

"Oh gosh." You whispered. You got down on your knees and lifted the baby outta the car seat. Beside the car seat there was a smashed picture. It was the Wilsons and the baby. "Aww it's ok don't cry." You said. You stood up and bounced the baby in your arms.

"(Y/N), I found the agents!" Lincoln yelled. You slowly walked into the hall.

"How are they?" You asked.

"They've been shot....wanna come look?" He asked. You looked down at the now soothed baby.

"I cant!" You yelled. You walked into the livingroom.

"What do you mean?" He asked. You set your head on top of the baby's. Lincoln sped walked to you but slowed down when he noticed the baby.

"I found what the crying was coming from." You said.

"Phil didn't mention a baby...." He mumbled.

"Maybe the agents wanted keep it a secret. Loads of agents do that." You said. You rocked the baby. "He's so cute!" You said.

"Hold on. Let me tell Phil about this." He said. "Phil, there's a baby." Lincoln said.

"Oh right. I forgot about their son." Phil said. "Well.....hm what should we do?" He asked.

"We should take him back to the ship." You said. Lincoln looked at you unsure.

"I don't know. A baby on a plane?" He said.

"good point." Phil said.

"I know! My apartment isn't too far away. Me and Lincoln could watch him there." You said. Lincoln was ready to object but Phil cut him off.

"Perfect idea (Y/N)! Good luck guys. Take good care of....Joseph? Yeah yeah that's it!" He said.

"Thanks Phil." Lincoln said. You smiled at Lincoln.

"I'm back." Lincoln yelled. He say you on the livingroom couch with Joseph on your lap. He babbled and sucked on his hand.

"Hey." You said, looking at Joseph. Lincoln set the box of diapers besides the couch and the bag of baby food, bottles, toys and pacifiers on the ground. He sat on the floor beside your legs, looking at Joseph. "Isn't he adorable?" You asked with a smile.

"Yes he is." He said. Joseph reached his wet hand at Lincoln but Lincoln leaned back before he could touch him. You laughed.

"He wants you." You said. You held Joseph near Lincoln. Lincoln careful took him.

"I'm not that good with babies..." He mumbled.

"Don't be silly. It's just a baby." You said.

"But they're so tiny and fragile." He said. You laughed.

"You're right but I'm sure you'll be careful enough." You said. He nodded and let Joseph put his legs on the ground near Lincoln. Joseph bounced a bit with Lincoln's support.

"So I got a call from Phil while I was at the store." He said. You slid onto the floor and sat next to him.

"What did he say?" You asked.

"He said that Nick Fury is coming to get Joseph tomorrow. They want to keep him on high surveillance. To protect him from hydra." Lincoln said. You frowned.

"Oh...." You mumbled. He looked at you.

"Why do you look so sad?" He asked.

"I don't know.....I don't want him to leave so soon. It hasn't even been here a day and he's already leaving." You said.

"I know babe but we can't keep him. He's not our and he needs non agent parents." He said. You sighed

"I know." You mumbled. He frowned.

"We're still young too. But maybe in the future." He said. You nodded.

"Sounds nice." You said. He smiled and kissed your head.

"I'm gonna miss you." You said quietly to Joseph. He touched your cheek which made you smile. Lincoln smiled as well. A knock on the door made your heart sink. Lincoln went and opened the door.

"Hello sir." He said.

"Hi." You heard Nick say. You stood up and walked to the door.

"Hello sir, here you are." You said. You handed Nick Joseph. He smiled.

"Thank you. He'll be safe." He said. You smiled and nodded. Joseph looked at you and Lincoln with a sad look on his face.

"Bye Joseph." You both said. He whined. His pacifier fell out of his mouth (Lincoln quickly caught it). Joseph yelled whiney babbles. He reached out to the two of you. You smiled weakly.

"Here buddy." Lincoln said. He gently put the pacifier in Joseph's mouth.

"Goodbye." Nick said.

"Bye." You both said. Nick smiled and walked off. You and Joseph watched each other as Nick walked off. You frowned when they were out of sight.

"(Y/N), are you ok?" Lincoln asked.  You sighed and nodded.

"yeah, he'll be safe." You said. He smiled and wrapped his arm around you. He brought you inside and onto the couch, holding you close and comforting you.

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