Masked Man (Part 2)

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You couldn't believe the weekend you were having. A couple of guys try to do awful things to you, your saved by a mysterious masked man, you wind up in the hospital and met a prince. You sighed. "Why me?" You mumbled. The nurse walked into the room and smiled at you. You had to admit, you were going to miss the nurse.

"You're free go. I hope you feel better dear." She said. You smiled.

"Thank you." You said. She patted your back. As you walked down the street, you wondered if you would ever see T'Challa or Black Panther again. You sighed deeply. Why do I care so much? I barely know them. You thought to yourself. You got inside your apartment and threw your purse onto the table. You laid down on the couch and reached lazily for the remote. Maybe there'll be a good movie to make you feel better. You frowned at the news woman talking the television screen.

"A tragedy has occurred today when a bomb went on during a conference meeting with the King of Wakanda, who tragically passed." She said. Your heart sunk.

"That's T'Challa's father..." You mumbled. You watched intently.

"As for the prince of Wakanda, he remains hiding from the public eye." She said. You looked down at your phone at the table.

"I should ask him how he is." You mumbled. You wondered if you should call or text him. You took a deep breath. Calling him would show him how much he cared for him. You dialed his number. You listened to the humming of the phone. Voicemail.

"Hi T'Challa, it's me (Y/N), the girl you visited in the hospital. I wanted to see how you were doing. I heard about your father and I'm really sorry. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." You said. You hang up the phone and lowered your head. Where could he be?

The rest of your day was filled with worrying and stress. You constantly look at your phone to see if you got a phone call or even a text from T'Challa. You got absolutely nothing. "Some sleep may help." You mumbled to yourself. You changed into a shirt and a pair of shorts and crawled into bed. You could feel yourself slowly growing more sleepy. The loud sounds of crashing caused you to jump. You got out of bed and looked out of the window at the alley. You saw nothing but darkness. You walked into the livingroom and opened your window.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." You stepped quietly onto the fire escape. You peeked over the railing and saw a group of men. They huddled around each other, looking into a black purse.

"Is there anything good in there?" One whispered. You watched them, unsure what you should do. You heard a loud scream, making you jump. You had no clue what was happening. It was very dark above the alleyway. You squinted your eyes and saw a black figure. Of course! It was Black Panther! He was face to face with one of the guys.

"Black Panther!" You yelled. You covered your mouth. Your happiness got the best of you. Black Panther looked up which gave the crook the opportunity to get in a hit. You gasped. He held his arm tightly, stumbling back. The crook laughed.

"Shouldn't have messed with me." He taunted. Black Panther extracted his claws and got the guy. You jumped when the sounds of sirens filled the air.

"Up here!" You yelled. He ran quickly up the metal ladder to you. You climbed into the apartment with him behind you. When he got inside, he sat besides the window, still gripping his arm. You shut the window, locked it and closed the curtains. "What's wrong?!" You asked. You got onto your knees and moved his hand. The black suit was torn, his skin was bleeding. You gasped.

"Holding on I'll get something!" You said. You run to your bathroom and grabbed a hand towel. You quickly wet the towel and ran to him. You cleaned his cut with the towel. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! This is my fault! I distracted you." You said. He patted your knee. You saw a bit of red on your knee which made you cringe. You could hear his rough breathing which made you frown. "I'm sorry." You said again. You wrapped the towel around his upper arm to try to stop the bleeding. You could feel his eyes watching you. You sat down completely, holding the towel on his arm.

"You probably need to go to the hospital." You said. He shook his head. "What? But you must! I can't help you more then this." He looked away and sighed. You turned his head back to look you which he let you. "Please." You begged. You watched his hand go to the top of his head. He pulled off the mask covering his face. "T'Challa?!" You said, shocked. He laughed a bit.

"Yeah." He said. You hugged him being careful not to hurt him.

"I was so worried about you! No one knew where you were! I tried to call you but you didn't answer me! Are you ok?" You asked. He rubbed your back. He was completely silent which filled you with concern.

"I miss him." T'Challa mumbled. He's voice was choked up. He buried his face into your shoulder.

"I know. I'm so sorry about your lost." You said. You listened to him sob. It killed you inside to see him this way.

"I'm going to kill the man who did this...." He said. You were taking back by this. He was so aggressive but you knew it was because of his emotions.

"You can't solve everything with violence..." You mumbled. He sighed. You pulled away and looked at his tear stained face. "You're just upset."

"No. I mean it." He mumbled. You were concerned at this point. He said it with such sincerity.

"T'Challa." You said sternly. He started to get up but you grabbed his shoulder. He winced and fell back roughly. "Let me help you."

"No I can do it." He said. You watched him stand up, wincing and moaning at the pain.

"Let me take you a hospital." You insisted.

"No." He said. What a stubborn prince. You thought to yourself. He stood there gripping the cloth on his gash. You grabbed his hand on his injured arm. You gave a light squeeze, like he would have done.

"You need a doctor. Go to one. For me. Please?" You asked. He stared into your eyes.

"I can't...I don't want people to know about my identity." He said. You sighed.

"Go as T'Challa then!" You said. He shook his head.

"I can't face the public. Not at a time like this." He said. You were desperate at this point, you got sick at the constant excuses he had.

"You need medical attention!" You yelled.

"I have some friends. That I trust very much and they can help me with this problem." T'Challa said. You raised an eyebrow. "Can you take me to him?"

"Of course."

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