Auld Reekie

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A pale sun rose high in the mid-winter sky, casting the collosal shadow of Edinburgh castle across the city below. Even on a clear summer's day the medieval fortress loomed overhead, a great brownstone monolith perched on top of Castle Rock. Not as magnificent as Hogwarts, of course, but it was spectacular for a Muggle fortification. It was the main draw for most tourists who visited Scotland's capital; a romantic vision that dominated the skyline wherever you were in the city. But Albus Severus Potter barely noticed it. He checked his watch for what felt like the hundredth time, tapping his foot impatiently as his train from Kings Cross slowly pulled into Edinburgh Waverly Station. When the train finally came to a standstill, he hopped onto the platform and hurried towards the exit barriers, eyes peeled for something of far greater interest and importance than any castle.

Albus tried to keep his cool as his progress to the arranged meeting point was slowed by throngs of commuters, shuffling shoulder to shoulder at a painfully slow pace towards the exits. Albus gritted his teeth - it had been six whole months since he had last seen Scorpius and he'd be damned if these people were going to keep them apart any longer. But just as quickly as the frustration had flared up inside of him, it melted away - the familiar white-blonde hair was easy to spot amongst the crowds even from a distance.

"Scorp!" he bellowed and he saw Scorpius' head turn in the direction of his voice. As his best friend's face came into view Albus ran forward, easily hopping over the barrier and half-leaping into Scorpius' arms, hugging him fiercely.

"Albus!" Scorpius yelped in surprise, unprepared for the rugby-tackle greeting and both boys tumbled onto the ground, laughing hysterically.

"Oi!" yelled an angry voice. Albus looked up and saw a bemused-looking staff member looming over both of them still lying sprawled across the ground. "Ye cannae jump the barrier, lad. Ye need tae buy a ticket!"

"Oh, sorry," laughed Albus pulling his crushed train ticket out of his pocket and thrusting it into the man's hand. "We just haven't seen each other in a long time. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

The man inspected the ticket closely before relenting, "Alright, but nae jumpin' the barrier in future, eh? And get aff the ground, yer gettin' in everyone's way."

The man stalked off without another word. Albus watched him leave before leaping to his feet and holding out his hand to help Scorpius back up. Scorpius took it and Albus heaved him back to his feet, both boys grinning broadly at one another. Albus looked Scorpius once over and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Check you!" he laughed taking a step back to take in a very different, very Muggle-looking Scorpius Malfoy. "When did you get a stylist?"

Scorpius blushed and smiled sheepishly. He put out his arms and turned slowly in a circle for Albus' perusal, "You like it?"

Albus did. He'd only ever seen Scorpius wearing wizards robes, so it was strange to see his best friend wearing Muggle clothes, and suiting them into the bargain. Instead of his usual loose-fitting black robes, Scorpius was sporting old sneakers with skinny jeans, a beige shearling jacket and a green beanie hat.

"Yeah, you look great," said Albus truthfully, feeling a little scruffy by comparison in his grey hoodie and sport trainers.

"You look great, too," Scorpius offered sincerely. Albus snorted.

"Not as stylish as you, but thanks anyway. Shall we make tracks?"

Scorpius nodded and beckoned Albus to follow. They marched out of the station and onto the bustling street, Scorpius turning left in the direction of the castle.

"I'm so glad you came," said Scorpius, his cheeks flushed pink from the cold and excitement.

"'Course I came," laughed Albus. "Like I'm going to turn down a trip to Edinburgh - free accomodation and food to boot."

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