Lost Souls - Chapter 4

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<P>A/N - Okay everyone I've never actually dedicated a chapter to anyone before so ... here goes  </P>

<P>I'm dedicating this chapter to one of my biggest fans on the site ... inlovewithmalu :D Pamina you are the best and i am deeply sorry i took off on my holiday without telling you :(  </P>

<P>Hope this makes you feel better :D  </P>

<P>Love you :D</P>


<P>Chapter 4</P>

<P>~ Jayden's POV ~</P>

<P>"That fucking arsehole!" I yelled while punching a tree 3 miles away from Otieno's cottage. "If you'd have just listened I wouldn't have had to do that!" Of course I felt guilty. I'd known Otieno since I'd become a vampire. He was the one who got me to the boss in the first place.  </P>

<P>My cell phone vibrated in my pocket making me stop in my tracks. The caller ID told me it was my boss calling. "Oh jeez," I sighed before opening the phone and putting on my best voice. "Hello Boss!"  </P>

<P>"Jayden, what's the status report on young Miss Rhian?"  </P>

<P>"Well Sir, Otieno has Pandora at the cottage. She almost knows everything."  </P>

<P>"Almost? She's had the meeting with The Prophet, she's had the vision of the future and she knows about us. What else is there?"  </P>

<P>"Well Sir," I started, knowing full well I was in trouble, "I couldn't get Pandora to come with me. Otieno is protecting her. I had to drain Otieno of some of his blood to teach him a lesson." There was a silence on the other end of the phone. I braced myself for the explosion.  </P>

<P>"Is he dead?" Boss whispered.  </P>

<P>"No sir, he's just unconscious."  </P>

<P>"Right, go back to the college and get some outside information on Pandora. Who her friends are, where she goes socially things like that. I'm counting on you Jayden."  </P>

<P>"Yes sir and thank you." The line went dead. I leant against a nearby tree and slumped down to the floor. This sucks, I thought, why can't I be like the other vamps?  </P>

<P>Shaking my head to rid the thoughts I rolled onto my feet and ran in the direction of Gueydan State College.</P>

<P>~ Harriet's POV ~</P>

<P>"Harriet Jones ... Will you pay attention please!" Mrs Carrington yelled.  </P>

<P>My head snapped up looking up at the middle aged women. Her hair was greying, probably from stress, and her brown eyes looked tired and fed up. "Sorry Miss. I was ... err ..."  </P>

<P>"Being ignorant and not listening again!"  </P>

<P>"Yeah, I guess ... sorry" She rolled her eyes and resumed with her lecture on the human mind ... again.  </P>

<P>If I hear this lecture again I'm going to die! My mind whispered. I sighed in frustration and sat back hoping time would be nice and fly by.</P>

<P>The clock hit 3.30pm and right on time the last bell rang. I ran out of the class and straight into the car park. Digging my iPhone out bag I dialled Pandora's number. Her voicemail rang again so for the tenth time I left a message. "Pandora Rhian you are so dead when I next see you! Please ring me back. What happened with you and Otieno? Where are you? How in the world am I going to get home?? Call me girl or I'll hunt you down!" I hit the End button and shoved the phone back in my bag. "For God sakes! What am I going to do no--" I was cut short. Frozen in place by what looked like a ghost walking towards me. His hair looked black in the shadows but when the sun hit him it shone a blood red. You could see even from a distance that he was well toned and the pale skin just suited him. Why am I gorming? Get your act together girl!! I chanted to myself blinking a few times to get my head straight.  </P>

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