Lost Souls - Chapter 7

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<P>A/N - It is short I know ... But I hope it reveals alot about some of the characters :)</P>

<P>Chapter 7</P>

<P>~ Ubel's POV ~</P>

<P>Everything was going to plan.  </P>

<P>Nothing had actually worked out this well for me since ... well it was a long, long time ago. The girl had been taken to Otieno's cottage, all I needed was Jayden to come through for me and bring her to the office. Where, well I would tell you my plan but, you know what happens when the scheme is out in the open. Things go wrong, very wrong.  </P>

<P>I paced through the dark hallways of the house waiting for the phone to ring. He'd never been this late before, he's such a kiss up. Always trying to be something he really isn't. Leaving the halls, I made my way through to the office area. No one worked there ... sadly. But I couldn't risk anyone finding out who I really was. A thought snaked through my mind, Mimir already knows you idiot!!  </P>

<P>"For goodness sake Jayden!!" I fumed at the phone on the desk, punching the dry wall. Patience was never one of my strongest points. Everyone pointed that out.  </P>

<P>"Master ... you need to calm down" I spun to find one of the shapeshifters standing in the corner of the office. His red eyes shining in the little light that came through a little hole the mice made.  </P>

<P>"Thank you for that Colby, but I am completely in control of my emotions."  </P>

<P>"Very well master, the panthers have just come back. They found some .... Interesting things on their hunt." his smile grew slightly, I motioned for him to sit down.  </P>

<P>"Do tell, I am in need of some good news." I replied as he took the seat opposite the desk. He twiddled his thumbs shyly, he was the most dominant person throughout all the shapeshifters but in front of me ... he was terrified.  </P>

<P>"Well master--"  </P>

<P>"Quit with the master Colby!"  </P>

<P>"Sorry, uh Ubel. Like I said Tomas and Tamas found some stuff that will interest you. The Prophet is unconscious and the witch, shes very ill. Otineo is struggling to keep her awake any longer. There's another girl though. Jayden seems very fond of her, seeing as Tomas got to the bedroom window and they were having a make-out session on the bed, she was crying hard so I'm guessing she is fond of Pandora."  </P>

<P>"Ahhh that shall explain why Jayden has failed to call," I sat down and leaned back in the chair, "Little Jayden has found his soul mate, hmmm this does make things more interesting and very hard."  </P>

<P>"What should we do?" his eyes grew dark. Colby was a good guy, shame I never really take time to get to know anyone anymore.  </P>

<P>"Keep doing what your doing, I'm going to pay and old friend a visit. Try not to get into any fights while I'm gone!"  </P>

<P>"Of course, thank you Ubel." and with a quick nod he ran out the room. I chuckled to myself.  </P>

<P>Forcing myself out the chair, I went into my chambers. They were nothing like my chambers back in the Cloud Kingdom. But you don't always start at the top do you?  </P>

<P>The walls were a dim grey colour with the same coloured ceiling. The floor creaked under my weight as I walked over to the bed. Sitting on the edge facing away from the photo that sat on the bedside table, I took a deep breath and thought of Mimir.  </P>

<P>You may think this is weird but Mimir and myself used to be good friends. That was of course until Athena took over Mimir's attention, just when I needed him most.  </P>

<P>Concentrate Ubel!!, my mind urged. I thought of the complicated mush that was Mimir's mind. He was still unconscious ... "Ubel?"  </P>

<P>"Mimir ... what a surprise." He appeared out of nowhere.  </P>

<P>"Surprise? You came here yourself. Why?" he looked confused, of course, but I traced a hint of realisation.  </P>

<P>"Ahh yes, so I did. Can't a friend pop in to see his unconscious, clearly vulnerable, buddy whenever he wants?"  </P>

<P>"I am not vulnerable! I am trying to help" he scowled, I laughed.  </P>

<P>"Help?! Oh Mimir that's hilarious ... Pandora is dying and you know it!"  </P>

<P>"She's not dying Ubel, this time has changed ... everything has changed!! And I don't know what to do ..."  </P>

<P>"A tip from a friend, never tell the bad guy you have no idea what to do! Makes them oh the much more cocky," I grinned as he cringed, he hated not knowing things. I knew that oh too well, "And she's dying alright Mimir. She's weak in her human form. She should have stayed a Goddess."  </P>

<P>"I couldn't stop the change! You know that, she was destined to be a human."  </P>

<P>"And look where that got her, she's on the floor of her soulmates living room dying because her pathetic human form cant handle the powers she's supposed to have."  </P>

<P>"Your enjoying this." he muttered  </P>

<P>"Me? Why on Earth would I enjoy this?" I replied smugly, his sliver eyes flashed for a second. I knew he was considering hitting me. Revenge from all those years ago.  </P>

<P>"Why are you really here Ubel?" he asked through gritted teeth.  </P>

<P>"To see how my friend is doing."  </P>

<P>"Liar!!" he roared and leaped forward ...  </P>

<P>I opened my eyes to see my bed chambers once again.</P>

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