Lost Souls - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

~Pandora's POV~

The garden looked different today. Almost darker, which is wired as it's always sunny in Louisiana. Turning around and grabbing my bag I made my way downstairs and bumped into my dad making breakfast.  

"Morning, Pandora!"  

"Hey dad, what's for breakfast?"  

"Cereal," He sighed, "Sorry I haven't had time to go shopping this week!"  

"That's fine, I'll go town after college." Dad was the manager of the biggest car company in Louisiana. He hardly ever has time to do anything. He smiled and placed a bowl of bran flakes in front of me. He kissed my forehead grabbed his suit jacket, brief case and keys then headed towards the door. "See you later Pan, love you"  

"Love you too dad" I shouted as he walked out the door. Eating my bran flakes I checked my I had all my books for college. I was studying psychology at Gueydan state college and latly the teacher had given up lending books out so we gad to go buy out own. Someone banged on the door, putting my bowl on the side I ran to answer it. My friend, Harriet stood doubled over on the porch trying to catch her breath. "Harry, you know were early right?" I laughed. She straightened up and glared at me.  

"Thanks Pan, I know that now!!" I carried laughing as I picked up my bag and keys. "Come on Harry, a nice drive in the Z4 all cheer you up!"  

"Yeah yeah, just as long as you have the roof down!"  

"When do I not have the roof down?" we chucked our bags in the boot and jumped into the front. Starting the engine I put the BMW into reverse and backed out the driveway. Harriet's short blonde bob went crazy as we sped down the highway and my long black hair was blowing with the wind behind us. As my dad owned BMW I got this car at a discount, there were some perks to having a rich daddy. But where there are perks there are flaws! Not having a mum is a flaw as well. I never knew my mum, she died during child birth.

Harriet intruded my thoughts by wolf whistling at a lad that was on the motorbike next to us. I gave the man a apologetic look and hit the gas. "Harry, I wish you wouldn't do that to all the guys we bump into!" I glared at her as she tilted her head like a puppy dog and whined at me.  

"Whyyyyy though Pan? How else am I going to get a boyfriend??"  

"You don't need to do that! Be yourself and a Mr Right will come along." she started laughing, as she always does when I give her the 'Mr Right' speech. I sighed and made a sharp right into the students car park. Pulling into a space I knew something was different about the buildings. It was like a shadow had been cast over all the buildings. Harriet stepped out the car and retrieved our bags from the boot. Distracting myself from the buildings I turned to look at Harry, she was staring at something ... Wait no make that someone. A new student?  

"Harry? .... Harriet Jacobs!" she turned and looked at me.  

"Yes Pandora?"  

"Why are you looking at that boy ... Who is he?"  

"A Greek God! He is absolutely gorgeous, don't you think?" I looked at the boy with new eyes, the brown hair that covered his eyes almost completely, his body that looked like he had been sculptured. Then his skin, it was tanned slightly and you could clearly see his toned body through his sweater. Harry was right, he was beautiful.  

"Oh my goodness he is nice!"  

"Nice isn't a word Pan!"  

"Yes it is. It's just not a brill descriptive word. What do you think he's studying?"  

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