Chapter 8

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" or yellow. Maybe a mutual color." Nodding I write down everything we need and follow her into the kitchen. In there she hands me a plate with bacon and pancakes.

"Thank you Star. As always it is amazing." She kisses my temple and grabs a plate heading to Alpha office. I dig in, my ears perk up when I hear someone enter the pack house. A low growl escapes, the same group of teenagers from yesterday that were with Brandy walked in and headed up stairs.

He's going to be late for school if he doesn't wake up. From my years of knowing that kid I know that he sleeps like he's dead. He never wakes up except if someone waves food in his face.

Sighing I allow my feet to take me up to his room where they were all trying to wake him up. I knock and push the door open wider. They all look up then step in front of a sleeping Brandy, hiding him from my sight.

I growl lowly. All their heads bow and they step aside. Roughly brushing past them I kneel next to my sleeping mate. "Brandy, you have to get up bud, you have school." He mumbles incoherently in his sleep.

Groaning in annoyance, I look at the others but they only shrugged. "You guys wait outside I'll get him up." I order.

They nod and walk out. Once the door is closed I sit on the bed and brush my fingers through his silky hair. He rolls over pulling my body underneath him. "Mate your heavy." I chuckle. I trace my hands down his abs. He shivers under my touch, his eyes slowly opening.

Brandy looks at our position and flushes. I chuckle, flipping us over. He blushes which is absolutely adorable! I press my lips to his cheeks, lingering longer than necessary.

I hop off and wave to him. "Get up kid you have school." I wink at his already flushed face and leave his room.

"Aiden are you ready?" I nod at my Luna and help her put her coat on. Alpha walks in to the room handing me his credit card which I put in my wallet.

"I have a meeting with the Sun pack but I'll be back before dinner angel." He kisses Star and turns to me with a serious look. "Take care of my mate and my child beta."

"Yes Alpha, I will guard them with my life." He nods. Smiling widely he kisses all over Star's belly, muttering to his unborn child.

"Don't give mommy too much trouble, y'hear."

After a while we exit the pack house. We hop in the car as Brandy and his group of friends pass by to their cars. I reach over to help buckle up Star. She pouts. "I'm not helpless Aiden, I can put on my own seat belt."

I chuckle. "That may be true but Xavier would have my head if he found out you lifted a finger."

She giggles in return. I buckle up myself when there is a knock on my window. Opening the door, I see my mate is there. His cheeks are red. "U-Uhm Mate... I just wanted to make you lunch and tell you have a great day." He hands me his favorite Nike bag.

Can he get any more adorable! He looks at me with bright eyes and an adorable smile. I grin. "Thank you mate. Have a great day at school." I lean in and press a quick kiss to his pouty pink lips.

He looks shocked before a large grin spreads on his face. He kisses my cheek then runs around the car and opens Star's door and pull her into his arms. "You to sis, have a good day." She giggles as he kissed her belly then her cheeks.

"Mate you got to get to school." He pouts but closes our doors and get in his own car. I sigh in content.

"He's seems like he trying." I start the car and look to Star. Pulling out on the road I keep my eyes ahead but respond anyways.

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