Chapter 27

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The flames captures my attention and I find that it is a struggle to bring my attention back to my mate. He's here, alive and well and yet I couldn't for the life of me take my eyes away from the beautiful flame that burned at my fingertips. After what seemed to be an eternity--I let the flame die. A hand squeezes mines drawing my full attention. 

"Little mate, don't play coy I know you're awake." Brandy's nose scrunch and he chuckles quietly. He slowly opens his eyes--the hazel eyes I love make it real. He is finally home in my arms, I wouldn't change this moment for anything in the world. 

I pull him into my arms and enjoy his fresh scent. "You have no idea how much I missed you little mate."  He giggles and loosens my arms that are around his neck.

"I can imagine."

He backs out of arms eliciting a whimper from my wolf, and turn to me. "Listen mate, I want to apologize for just leaving you out. You were injured and I would not be able to live with myself if you came and were injured more. Please forgive me."

His pouty lips quivered and silent tears poured down his eyes. I gently wiped his tears with the pads of my thumbs and cradled his chubby face. "Little mate, I forgave you the moment you left. It is not my place to correct your destiny. You are who you are."

He is now full on sobbing. I gently kiss his lips to reassure my love for him. Doesn't he know that I love him unconditionally? Brandy responds immediately and pulls me into him.

I don't think so little mate. I am in charge. All too quick for my own eyes, I had him pinned under me. As I make my way down his body, I feel mild irritation from his clothes. A deep, guttural growl erupts from my throat and I don't stop to wonder where it came from.

"This has to come off now." Brandy reaches to take his shirt off but he was taking too long. With one move, I rip his shirt off and toss it to the side.  Brandy stares at me in shock and gently cups my face.

"Aiden your eyes." He moves my head so I can look at his shocked face. My canines extend and I bury my face in his neck to avoid eye contact. My mark shines proudly on his collarbone, I find myself licking his mark before suddenly biting into it.

Brandy moans low while digging his nails into my back drawing my lust out further. His soft whimpers and groan makes me harden more. I gently grind my lower half on his and enjoy the smell of his arousal.

I pull my canines out when blood slowly pours out of the wound. I take his hardened nipple in my mouth, hid sweet moans fill the silence of the room. I suckle his delicious skin repeatedly and love bites quickly form on his chest.

My skin burns with delight but Brandy begins to squirm under me. "Aiden can you-" I kissed his pouty lips to silence him. He bucks his hips against mine in an attempt to pry me off.

"Aiden please, you're hurting me." Brand's pleads become deaf to my ears as I aim to settle my lustful cravings. Just as I reach to rip his shorts off, he is suddenly engulfed in flames.

What the hell! Brandy roars and screams as he tries to put the fire out. I am stood frozen as I watch my mate possibly burn to his death. "Aiden put it out!"

"I can't! I don't know how!"

Brandy takes to the stairs calling out for Zyren and Star's aid. "Zyren!" Between the flames, his skin blisters as his flesh burns completely.

Somehow we end up outside where Brandy is dropped to the ground as I watch my mate die by my own hands. I am sobbing at how powerless I am to stop my own flames. Zyren and Star form a circle around Brandy and form a triangular motion with their hands.

The flames die instantly and Brandy falls to the ground. His skin is burned to the crisp and his flesh is now a pinkish. Tears fall down his face, blending in with the sweat. "What the hell Aiden!" He shouts.

All eyes of the pack land on me, I cannot find the strength to pick myself up from the ground. I don't deserve to. How can I look my pack in their eyes, knowning whatI had done. I was ashamed. "Mate I'm sorry!" I reach for my mate but he flinches away from me. I whimper at the loss of my mate.

"I got you baby brother." Star and Zyren lift my mate over their shoulders and walk him to the infirmary. That is the last I saw of my mate before Alpha Xavier slaps cuffs on my wrist and drags me to the cells.

"Alpha please don't leave me down here. I need to apologize to my mate." Xavier say next to me in the cell. His eyes held sympathy and pity and I hated it. I didn't deserve it and I definitly don't deserve my mate, the mate who willingly put himself in harm's way for the world. He is too good for me, I just lit him on fire and watched him burn.

What kind of mate am I? "Listen Aiden, I don't know much about what's going through Brandy's mind but I do know mates. Give him some time to heal, he only just got back from a very traumatic battle. I will leave you here for the night to cool down but also give you both some space. Just take it one step at a time bro, don't rush your bond because it will burn if you do. No pun intended." He adds with a chuckle. Xavier takes the cuffs off and I rubbed my sore wrist.

Xavier gently pats me on the back "Aiden you have been my best friend for over a decade so I am telling you as a friend and my beta, to take a step back. Give him time to integrate, he hasn't even met his niece yet."

"You're right Xay, if you don't mind I'd like to stay here the night until I get my powers in check."

Xavier belts out a laugh. "You thought I was letting you leave? Dude you just set my head warrior on fire!"

I chuckle but grimace at the amount of pain my mate must've been in. "Yeah haha laugh it up as if I don't feel shitty enough."

He smacks me on the back harder this time. "Bro just give him some time, if you can forgive him for what he did, he can forgive you. Now someone will be down in an hour to give you dinner but in the meantime, my little princess needs her bottle."

I smile when I think about my goddaughter. Sad to think that she was born while her uncle was fighting for his life. "Thanks Alpha."

He said a final goodbye and shuts me in. Okay flame, let's see you try to set me on fire.


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