Your Fault

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Sam sat in the Impala's front seat with the two spare trunk blankets around him. He had caught a nasty cold from someone at school and Dean had taken full advantage.
"Told you school was a waste of time, Sammy."
The sixteen year old laughed and pulled into the gas station. Sam moaned at the pounding headache he had. His entire skull hurt from the pressure in his sinuses.
When Dean came back from inside the store he handed Sam a plastic bag before pumping gas. Sam peered inside to find a bottle of ginger ale, tissues, cold & flu medicine, a bottle of water, and a small pack of cough drops.
Sam smiled and blew his nose, throwing the used tissue into the small waste bin in the backseat.
Dean sat back in the driver's seat a moment later.
"Thanks Dean."
Sam said sleepily. Dean smiled slightly.
"Anytime Sammy. Take some medicine then get some sleep. We got a while before we stop for the night."
Sam did as he was told and fell asleep quickly, his aching head on Dean's lap and the blankets pulled to his chin.

When Sam Winchester woke up, it was just getting dark and he could feel saliva pooling his mouth. He sat up quickly, alarming Dean and making the headache worse.
"You okay, nerd?"
Sam shook his head slightly before reaching down and opening the bottle of ginger ale. He took a few cautious sips and opened the window.
"Feelin' kinda nauseas there, huh?"
Dean asked as he turned his blinker on and starting to pull over into a forest preserve.
"M'ok. Don't need to stop..."
Sam groaned and rubbed a hand over his tumbling stomach.
"Sure, whatever you say, Sammy."
Dean chuckled and put the Impala in park. He got out of the driver's seat and walked around to Sam's door and pulled it open. He crouched down in front of his brother and held his shoulders steady. Sam looked truly awful. Pale face, glassy and bright eyes, blushed cheeks and nose, sweating bullets, Dean was sure his brother was gonna puke.
"Relax Sammy. Let it out, you'll feel way better afterwards."
Dean comforted as he gently rubbed the boy's thin shoulders.
"Really, I'm oka-..."
Sam started to say but got cut off by a gag. He really hated vomiting for the obvious reasons.
"I think I know what'll make you feel better. We can go to a hole in the wall diner and get a big, greasy burger. One where the cook probably didn't wash his hands and no one washed the plates."
Dean baited. He understood Sam's desperation to keep the upchucking back, but he also knew how bad it was to resist.
Sam swallowed thickly and opened his mouth to speak when all of a sudden, the meager contents of his stomach spewed out into the gravel between him and Dean.
"There we go,"
Dean smirked and patted the boy's back. Sam gave a few more heaves before sitting back against the leather seat.
"I hate you..."
Sam mumbled while his eyes started to close. Dean stood and smirked.
"Yeah I know. C'mon, let's get you a bit more comfortable."
Dean wiped the boy's mouth with a few fast food napkins from the glove compartment before helping Sam step over the puddle he made and settling him in the backseat. Sam filled his mouth with water before spitting it out on the ground to rid the sour taste from his mouth. Dean folding his jacket into a pillow for Sam and tucked him in his the blankets, finally fitting the waste bin between the seat his brother's face laid on and the driver's seat.
"Try to relax. I don't want you puking in my baby."
Sam groaned.
"You're the only reason I puked."
Dean laughed and closed the backseat door. He sat back in the driver's seat as Sam slowly fell asleep.

Sam woke up a few hours later in what he could only imagine to be a motel room. It was dark but he could make out Dean sitting next to him, leaning over the bed. He was about to close his eyes when he heard a wet cough and a heave. He blearily saw Dean spit into the trash can and place it on the ground. He groaned and laid back in the bed the boys shared. Sam propped himself up on his right arm.
"You okay, Dean?"
Sam asked with a scratchy voice.
"Yeah, I'm okay."
Sam pressed a slightly shaking hand to his brother's forehead, checking for a fever like Dean had done for him that morning. Even in the dark, Sam could tell Dean was smiling.
"You're sick."
Sam sighed. Dean wrapped an arm around the smaller hunter and smirked.
"Yeah, that's my payment for being an awesome big brother."
Sam laid his head on Dean's chest and wrapped an arm around his stomach.
"Sorry Dean."
Sam said after a cough.
"S'okay Sammy."
Dean said sleepily.
"Even though it is all your fault."
Dean said with his voice full of love as he rubbed his brother's sweaty back. Sam smiled and fell asleep better than he had all day.

This is actually the first time I wrote Dean getting sick too...
Not sure if it's bad that I kinda liked it... let me know what you guys think, I'm very curious.
If you guys want, give me some more ideas of what hell I should put Sam through, I'm thinking another hunting accident next...

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