Hell's Wrath pt.3

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    Dean woke on the couch in Sam's hospital room at about 9:00 the next morning. He sat up and saw Bobby next to his brother. Bobby was holding Sam's hand carefully and gently carding his fingers through the boy's hair.
"Hey kid. How'd you sleep?"
Bobby asked without taking his eyes off of the youngest Winchester.
"Like a rock. When did you get here?"
Dean replied as he stretched.
"Late last night. Sammy's nurse filled me in. Sammy's a brave little idget isn't he?"
Dean stood and walked over to Sam's vacant side of the bed.
"Yep, he saved a pregnant teacher though. He's a heroic little dummy."
Dean's words sounded condescending but his voice was filled with love and pride as he leaned down and kissed Sam's forehead gently. He really didn't care if it was a chick flick moment because he was worried and proud at the same damn time.
"You gotta wake up pretty soon, kiddo. Don't wanna be lying here on your birthday, do ya?"
Bobby told Sam. With all that had happened the day before, Dean had almost forgotten Sam's birthday was coming up. The boy would be turning 14 by the end of the week and Dean was planning to surprise him by letting him drive the impala. That didn't seem very possible now.

"How's he doing today?"
Adam asked as he walked in the room.
"So far so good."
Bobby stated and backed up slightly to give him room to work.
Adam checked Sam's vitals and quickly changed his diaper before relaying some news to Dean and Bobby.
"So it looks like Sam's fever is standing its ground. We're keeping him on the antibiotics and fluids but I just thought you'd like an update."
Dean thanked him as Bobby simply nodded.
Once Adam left the room, Dean sat on Sam's bed and lightly and carefully rubbed a hand over his chest.
"You can't half ass anything, can you Sammy?"
Dean chuckled through worry. The last thing the kid needed to deal with (unconscious or awake) was a fever.


Sam didn't wake up until May 1st at 5:15 in the morning. Dean and Bobby were sitting on opposite sides of his bed, sipping coffee and talking.
Sam moaned softly and tilted his head to the left side, Dean's side.
The older hunters instantly silenced and looked to the boy.
"Hey Sammy, how're you feelin' bud?"
Dean asked softly and thumbed Sam's hot cheek. Sam could only moan in pain as Bobby hit the call button.
Adam hurried into the room and noticed Sam awake.
"Hey there Sam. My name's Adam, how do feel after your nap?"
Adam asked softly as he gently took Sam's pulse.
Sam groaned and cracked his eyes open. They were glassy, vibrant, and bloodshot.
"I'm right here, buddy. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."
Dean assured him. Sam nodded the best he could before groaning loudly.
"What's hurtin' kiddo?"
Bobby asked the miserable boy.
"Ch'st hur's..."
Sam slurred out and clenched Dean's shirt as it was the closest object that wasn't his own bed.
"Careful Sammy, your hands are pretty barbecued."
Dean warned but held Sam's hand nonetheless. It wasn't long before the pain became too much, even with the morphine, and Sam began to shiver. Bobby wrapped his blankets around his thin shoulders but Sam kept inadvertently shaking them off. The trembling quickly turned to thrashing.
Dean carefully held Sam's left arm and stomach to the bed while Bobby held his right arm and head down.
"C'mon Sammy, relax kid."
Bobby grunted but Sam ignored him and whined. His hands curled into fists and his eyes clenched shut, tears leaking out in thin streams.
Adam unlocked a drawer on the other side of the room and reached into it, pulling out a small bottle. He pulled out some of the cloudy liquid in the bottle with a syringe and injected it into Sam's IV.
Sam's hands gradually went limp and his eyes closed once again. His lips apart and beads of sweat running down rosy, fevered cheeks.
"Nothing like a little skelaxin to help him sleep."
Dean held his little brother close and absentmindedly rubbed his neck and shoulders.
"What happened there?"
Bobby asked.
"His fever is most likely taking over and making him a little loopy and frustrated. I'm gonna get the doctor and see if he wants to take some more X-rays to make sure Sams thrashing didn't cause anymore damage."
He said before exiting and shutting the curtain behind him.
A few minutes later, Dr. Shureley walked in the room.
"I hear someone woke up a little frustrated."
The doctor said as he gently pulled Sam's eyes open and shined a light in them.
He had been nothing but kind to the family since Sam had been admitted. He quickly felt around the bandages on his young patient before turning to Adam.
"I don't think any damage was done but let's get some X-rays just to be safe. Double the pain meds and lower the sleep meds. When he wakes up next, I want to do another full body check. Gotta make sure there isn't anymore damaged than we think."
The doctor and nurse said goodbye to the two men for the time being and left.
Bobby sighed as Dean absentmindedly carded his fingers through Sam's dirty blond hair.
"Have you talked to your daddy yet?"
Bobby asked suddenly. Dean shook his head sadly.
"He's still off the grid. He should've been back by now."
Deans left leg started to bounce in worry.
"Well if he doesn't call by tonight, we'll send Caleb or Josh to find his dumbass."
"Thanks Bobby."
Dean's leg gradually stopped bouncing and he eased next to his little brother on the bed. Sam instantly curled into Dean's side.

Oh boy, sorry for the wait. I am not a medic so I just use my own knowledge from being a sick kid and research (google). Thanks so so much for the feedback and I'm working on the suggestions, I promise. If everything goes as planned, expect another chapter by tonight! 😘😘

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