TWM #190

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That Wattpad Moment #190 - Credit: @Scarlet_Rain14

When you've read too many fanfics about the same thing that you forget which plot belongs to which book.

Fanfictionalists!! Where are you? I bet you can relate to this one! Okay, surprisingly I started reading a fanfic, and if you know me, I NEVER read fanfics, so this is odd for me. I literally could not put it down because it was just about one of the best Wattpad books I've ever read. Anyways, it's an Adam Levine fanfic called "Obsessed" by adam_and_jane (also in external link) if you'd like to read it. Honestly, I've known about Maroon 5 for a while and listened to their music but I had no idea who the heck Adam Levine was. Now I just feel stupid for not knowing about this amazing human being.

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