Chapter 5: I Don't Like Bears

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Chapter 5: I Don't Like Bears

When the morning came by, I grabbed the emptied jugs of water and brought it to the stream where the waterfall was. I needed more for everyone and myself do we don't get dehydrated.

After that, I brought them back and got ready for today's challenge. He said we were going by the lake. Samey, Scarlett, Jasmine, and I got into swim suits before we went down there. The other team didn't have any swim suits as they lost theirs either on the plane, or from landing in the water and they floated away. Who knows?

I walked between Jasmine and Samey as always. Once we got there, Topher was thinking what Chris had done to his face. Then Sugar started saying random words. Then Ella was following the same thing. Chris blew his horn.

"Silence!" Chris yelled. "Today we will be laughing as you risk your lives in the smash, splash, 123 x dash. Players have to cross the beams, grab a dueling stick from the end of the dock, bring it back to yours, and place it on your board. Two dueling sticks make an x. Three x's win the challenge." Chris said.

"I have a diabolical scheme for the --"

"Anyone who messed with the other team's sticks will result in them losing the challenge." Chris said.

"Never mind," Max crossed his arms over his chest.

"Only one member per team may cross at a time. If you land in the lake, that turn gets you no points. So, use that dueling stick to swat, trip, or bat your opponent into the water. This will be awesome to see!" Chris said.

"What is your fascination with seeing us hurt each other?" Samey asked.

"Ahem, less Samey, more Amy." Jasmine whispered.

"If anyone gets my hair wet, they're dead." Samey said threateningly. I gave her a thumbs up and she grinned back at me.

"Any particular order we go in?" Dave asked.

"You decide your own order, but, each team member must go at least once." Chris said.

"Um, where's Shawn?" Sky asked.

*"What, Shawn's missing? Don't tell me that an actual zombie got him? Psh, no. He's a practical survivor on this island. I'm sure he's fine. It's not like I care, though. He's not on my team, though. But. . . He'll be fine. It's Shawn we're talking about here. He'll show up, eventually."*

"He's probably lost in the woods. You know how this island can get. Confusing. Go find him, would ya?" Chris asked.

*"No way would he be lost. He's probably forgot and is doing something about a zombie. Yep, that's what my senses are leading to. Still worried though, but I know he'll be fine."*

"I hope he's okay. Not that I care. He's not on my team." Jasmine said.

"Well, if he doesn't get here on time to take a turn, he's got an automatic date with the cannon. Plus, another player on the team will be done-zo. And that means Maskwat loses two tonight." Chris said. "It's game time! Swim to the docks and wait for my signal to start!"

I quickly swam over to the docks and got onto it before anyone else.

*"I'm a fast swimmer. I've been in many swim races before and won every one. My coach said that I would make it to the Olympics! Hmm, maybe one day."*

"How'd you get here so fast?" Scarlett asked in amazement.

"I'm as close to be an Olympian!" I said.

"But that was way too fast to be preferable to even a human." Scarlett said.

"Maybe I'm half mermaid?" I said with a smile.

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