Cp. 3: When push comes to shove...

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Xephos's Pov

I awoke and saw Duncan was asleep, holding my hand. He was right though, sleeping mademe feel a whole lot better. I rubbed his hand with my thumb. He looked so peaceful. Then, Sips, Sjin, and Simon loudly barged through the door. Causing Duncan to wake up and stand in front of me protectively. "What do you want?" He snarled. " We need to talk about this." Simon said. I got up and stood next to Duncan. "Which is why we kept this secret. We didn't want to talk about it." "Well, we aren't giving you a choice!" Sips sneered. I got angry and yelled "We aren't giving you one either!" They all stayed quiet. You don't mess with me when I'm angry. They all left, except Duncan. He rummaged through my chest and pulled out the journal. "I got it away from them." He said. I said"I don't know if. I can write in it anymore. What if they read it again?" He thought for a moment and sighed. "I'll go get a lock spell put on it." He said. I became confused. "Who's gonna do that?" I asked. "Rythian." He answered with a sigh. "I don't know exactly what happened, but I do know you aren't even on speaking terms, love." He grabbed my hand and said "I will do it for you." "I know he can be aggressive, I just don't want to lose you." He pulled me into a hug. "You won't, I promise." He held me tighter as I hugged back. He whispered in my ear "While everyone is asleep, do you want to go on a moonlight walk?" "I'd love to." I answered. We pulled away from the hug and he grabbed my hand and we entangled our fingers as we walked inside the factory, ignoring the calls and questions for us.

Time set-Middle of the night

I was awakened by the soothing voice of Duncan. "Wake up, dear. Its time for the walk." I opened my eyes and smiled at the man hovered over me. He smiled and gave me room to get up. I got up and we walked hand in hand across the factory site. He arrived at a hill and sat down together. We looked up at the stars. "You shine brighter than the stars" he said. I looked over to him and smiled. "But, I don't shine as bright as you." He began to slowly lean in. "No, you shine brighter. You are the closest star in the universe, and you're perfect." He said before I leaned in and closed the space between our lips. His lips were soft, and his kisses are gentle. Our lips moved in sync with one another's. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hand tangled in his soft, strawberry blonde hair. He put his hands on my waist. I leaned back onto the cold, damp grass. He slipped his tongue in and when mine met his, cold was replaced with warm, the cold air nipping on my cheeks didn't bother me anymore. He knew me inside and out. He knows what makes me angry. He knows what makes me happy. He knows my past. He is my present. I want him to be my future. We pulled away "I love you." He said. "I love you too." He got up and held a hand out for me, which I gratefully took. We walked back hand in hand before kissing one last time and going back into the dormitories.

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