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"Sora," James called for her while knocking on her door. "Sora, can you open the door so we can talk?"

He stood outside while Sora decided if she was going to speak to her parents tonight or if she was just going to cry herself tired. James heard the handle shake and it slowly creaked open, her head visible through the small opening.

"Is Mommy with you?"

James shook his head and she opened the door wider for James to come in. He walked in but left the door open as he picked her up and sat her on his lap as he sat leaning against the foot of her new "big girl" bed.

"Sora, do you really hate Mommy?"

Sora was a bright girl, so James knew the minute she asked if Nadine was with him that she knew what she did was wrong. But being 5 had its disadvantages in terms of being able to fully express herself and both of her parents knew that.

She shook her head slowly, looking at the ground with a pout on her face.

"Then you can't tell Mommy that, Baby. Saying you hate someone hurts people's feelings, especially kids to their mommies."

"Is she mad at me?" Sora asked in a small voice.

James pulled her in tightly and kissed her head, "No, Love. She's not mad. But she's really, really sad because she thinks you hate her."

"I'm mad at her," Sora said in a stern voice. "I don't want you to leave and she's being mean by making you leave."

"She's not making me leave, Sora Bear. That's why I came up here. Mommy isn't the bad guy. Mommy's just the good guy stuck in a bad situation. She's trying to think of what's best for everyone."

Sora looked up at him with puffy eyes, "Does this mean you're still leaving?"

He shrugged, "Well, it's up to Mommy. If Mommy tells me to go, then I go. But whatever she chooses, just know that she's always doing this for you, okay? And that no matter what we both love you very, very much."

She snuggled into her dad's chest, nodding in agreement with James. After a while he pushed her away enough to make eye contact with her.

"We have to go to Mommy so you can say sorry to her, okay?"

Sora wiped her eyes and stood up, waiting for James to stand up and take her downstairs. What they didn't know until they walked out of Sora's room was that Nadine had been already sitting on the stairs, waiting for them.

After she had cried herself dry on the couch in the backyard casita, the thoughts running through her head were becoming clearer. Some of it was harder to swallow than others, but she ultimately left the casita so she could clarify things between her and father-daughter duo.

"Daddy, do you think she'll let us move with you instead?" her voice sounding a lot calmer than when she was wailing in the living room.

"But then what about Mommy's work? Oh--"

James stopped walking when he caught sight of Nadine standing up from the step she was sitting on. Sora looked back down at the ground as she knelt down to be level with her daughter.

"I'm not mad at you, Baby."

Sora looked up at her mom with wide eyes, "You're not?"

Nadine opened her arms and let Sora walk into them for a big hug. Nadine started to cry again as she peppered Sora's head with kisses.

"I'm sorry, Mommy."

"Are you still mad at me?" Nadine stood up, carrying Sora back into her room with James following them.

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