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Edwards POV

Just like every other night, I was lying in Bella's bed, her sleeping soundlessly, apart from a couple of moans or grunts, in my arms.

I was staring at the ceiling and Bella shifted on my body.

"Edward..." she moaned. I looked at her and scrunched my eyebrows.

"Please..." Oh my. Is she having a..? Nope she isn't, what am I thinking?

She shifted again and her leg rubbed against mine. I looked at her face as her soft, little lips fell open slightly.

"Edward...I need you" Fuck. There's a bulge in my pants. Great.

Bella's hand trailed up her body and stopped at her stomach.

"Mmm Edward..." she moaned. Jesus she is going to kill me. What I would do to just be able to climb on top of her and...Edward stop!

I looked at Bella's digital clock on her bedside table. It read 4:08. Great, another 2 hours of Bella moaning and dreaming of me.

I looked at her and she was biting her lip. Wake her up and take her...No.
Walk out of the Room...No
Get out of here!..No

30 minutes passed and Bella hadn't moved in 15. No moans or anything. And I spoke, well thought, too soon. She moaned and her hands trailed down my body. She is going to be the death of me...

2 hours later and she woke up. I looked at my Bella resting her head on my chest. "Good morning Love."

"Morning" she yawned and stretched her arms. One arm tackled my face as she pulled it down next to hers. Her soft, warm, cherry lips attacked mine and I kissed them back.

"Sleep well?" I asked smiling down at her.

"Very well"

"Sweet Dreams?" I looked at her face to see her reaction.

She looked confused for a second and then she must have realized because her mouth dropped open and she blushed furiously.

"Oh my god Edward! I'm so sorry!" She said, well, almost shouted.

I laughed and stroked her over heated cheeks. "It's fine love" I laughed again.

"Edward oh my...shit I'm sorry!"

"It's okay Bella" I smiled and silenced her with a kiss. Her warm lips moving with my stone cold lips was a feeling I would never forget.

We heard a loud snore coming from Charlie and Bella pulled back, biting my lip.

"Edward I'm sorry" she said again, placing a finger to my lips.

I smiled against her finger and I licked the tip of it. She shivered and moaned slightly.

She took her finger off my lips and she pounced on me. Fuck. She kissed me aggressively and I did it back. She licked my lower lip, begging for entrance and I granted that. Her tongue slid into my mouth and she moaned.

I heard Charlie get out of bed but I was so focused on Bella, I didn't care. Bella pushed me on her bed and sat on top of me. She grinded Into me slow, but hard. I groaned.

I heard Charlie's boots on the wood outside the door and I flashed out of sight. Bella groaned at me leaving but then Charlie came In and she gasped.

"Are you okay Bells?" Charlie asked

"Yeah I'm um fine. Why?"

"I thought I heard moaning" he said

Bella blushed and I had to hold in my laughter.

"Oh" was her only response.

"I'm heading to work. I'm going to be late because I'm taking another shift. Is that okay?"

Bella nodded.

"Bye sweetie"

"Bye dad"

Charlie shut the door and walked downstairs.

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