Chapter Four! :D

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Sophie woke up to an echoing ring, Sophie rolled over with a grunt and smacked the Imparter. (A/N: I don't know what an Imparter looks like to Shannon Messenger, But i picture it like this...) Della had gotten her a customized Imparter, it looked like an Apple iPhone screen on a Teal to red shifting crystal. Biana's face appeared close up and in her face. "Sophie! Today's the day!" of course Biana was already ready and stunning as always. "For what." Sophie grumbled ut it came out more like, "fur hat?" Biana giggled. "To admit your secret to my Dumb oblivious brother!" Biana made it sound so easy. "Oh! I have an idea!" Sophie gasped trying to distract Biana, "How about we get our matchmaking scrolls!" Biana has been trying to convince Sophie to get hers for a while now, so it seemed like the perfect distraction! "Great idea!" Biana squealed, Sophie was relived it worked, "Then when you and Fitz get each other as your number one's you can tell him!" Sophie paled. "What?" Biana asked right before she turned around to see what's behind her, "oh hey Fitz..." she tried to act casual but failed. Fitz frowned, "who's Sophie's number one and what is she telling him?" Biana was the first to answer, "we don't know yet, but I'm hoping that her number one is her crush! A.k.a her biggest secret!!" Fitz looked like he was fuming. Biana was enjoying it. "Sophie and I are going to get our scrolls tomorrow, why don't you get the boys and we will all go?" even though Biana was the youngest she still bossed Fitz around. Fitz looked at his sister skeptically, "did she agree to it or are you kidnapping her?" Biana thought for a moment, "Both." Fitz started to laugh. "Anyway, Sophie, Get. Your. Butt. Over. Here. NOW!" Biana was way too excited. And just like that her imparter clicked off. Sophie rolled out of bed and walked over to her all knowing mirror Vertina. Vertina sighed, "what are you doing today?" Sophie knew Vertina would cheer up with Sophie's next words, "I'm actually going over to Everglen-" Vertina Squiled, "OOO! So you'll actually listen to me?" "Yes." Sophie deadpanned. "Okay! Open your closet!" Vertina makeover had begun.

  (A/N: I'll spare you the dets and just tell you what the end results where. 

A red tunic with Black leggings and Red Flats

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A red tunic with Black leggings and Red Flats

Vertina had Sophie Back up and do a little turn for her

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Vertina had Sophie Back up and do a little turn for her. Apparently she liked what she saw because Vertina asked for the hair brush next. After a few tugs and bobby pins her masterpiece was done! A braided crown over some loose hair!

 After a few tugs and bobby pins her masterpiece was done! A braided crown over some loose hair!

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Sophie arrived to the blinding lights of Everglen, she will never get used to it.Just then the gates opened and the first thing she say was the person she was hoping to see but didn't want to at the sametime. Fitz. He had his hollywood smile on but it slowly faded, "why don't you want to see me?" he must have read her thoughts. "Are you mad at me or.."

(Bold is Sophie and Italics are Fitz.)

No, No, No, No!

Then why did you think that?

I don't know, i just..

Just what?

What are we?

What do you mean?

Fitz stepped closer so he could put his hands on her shoulders.

We admitted to each other what our secrets are...

Fitz smirked

And what were they again?

He moved his hand from her shoulder and used it to cradle her face.

I like you

They smiled at the fact that they transmitted at the same-time.

Fitz leaned towards her, and pulled her into a hudge bear hug. The hug barely lasted a second before Biana came outside and shreaked, "Sophie! Wha...?" Sophie and Fitz Jumped apart. Like literally Sophie landed on her butt. They where both Blushing red.

"Hey are you playing Make Foster Blush without me?" Keefe walked in oblivious to what happened but still noticing their faces. 

"Hey lets play base Quest!" Biana came in for the save.

"I call Foster!" Keefe claimed while laying his arm over her shoulders. Sophie shrugged them off. "Hey! If anything we should be partners because we are cognates!" Fitz Countered. "Chill out Wonderboy." Keefe surrendered. The teams ended up being Sophitz vs. Bianeefe. Biana and Keefe chose the well by the house.

It's our turn to pick a base.

Don't worry i have an idea. Hold on and trust me!

Oh -no.

Just then Sophie teleported them to the Four seasons tree.

Isn't this cheating?

Are abilities allowed?


Then nope!

Sophie took a minute to look around.

I love you.

Sophie turned around to a pair of strong arms enveloping her. She relaxed immediately. This was her safe place. She looked up at him, and took in how handsome he is. And he is hers? Or what were they?



What are we?

Well i used to think that if you kiss someone you automatically dating them?

Sophie laughed,

Do you want to play by that rule?

Yeah, but you know that means you have to kiss me right?

That might not be so bad...

Fitz wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. She stared into his eyes, his beautiful, stunning teal eyes, her favorite thing to look at. He put his other hand behind her neck, and he leaned in, but paused and looked around.


Just making sure no one is going to interrupt us. AGAIN.

Sophie giggled for a second before Fitz leaned in once more but interrupting the moment both of their imparters rang. It was Biana and Keefe.

Character Count:4263Word Count:1085Sentence Count:140Syllables per Word:1.3Words per Sentence:7.38Reading Time:4 minutes
Speaking Time:7 minutes

A/N: Sorry it took so long to write i just got back from a trip and i need to catch up on sleep. i hope you liked it also, KeefexBiana or BianaxDex? also i'm thinking of adding a secret sister of Sophie's, yay or nay?

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