Chapter 1- the set up

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Sophie Foster never has a normal day, but this one seemed oddly normal, she was sitting in a circle with all of her friends, Dex, Fitz, Keefe, lihn, Tam, and Bianca. After she sat down in the circle next to Dex and Bianca, Bianca got up and shooed Dex away so she could sit on the other side of Sophie, while claiming, "the sun was in my eyes!" So now she was sitting next to Fitz and Bianca.
(Bold is Sophie underlined is Fitz)
Sophie transmitted to Fitz:
Do you know why she is acting so weird?
I have a theory...
Me too...
Oh no!
"Would you guys stop flirting already?" Keefe complained.
"Or do it out loud?" Bianca pleaded.
"We weren't flirting! We were trying to figure out why you are acting so weird!" Fitz exclaimed.
"I'm not acting weird you are." Bianca replied oddly calm. Fitz just left the room in a heap of anger. Everyone was oddly quiet and were staring at Sophie. "What?" Sophie asked. "Go after him!" Bianca muttered while nudging Sophie in the ribs. "Why me?" "Because" "because why?" "Because I'm too lazy!"

   Fitz was sitting on his bed, he was hunched over a photo. "Fitz?" Fitz scrambled up to his feet. "Sophie! Oh uh hi!" "Who's that a photo of?" "My crush.." Fitz mumbled. Sophie looked at her feet.
Just then Sophie looked up Fitz was right in front of her.
Do you have a crush?
That's my secret.
Sophie smiled, then Fitz did something she never though he would do...

Author: HELLO to who ever is reading this!!! Thank you for reading! This is the first story I've ever written i promise it will get better!!

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