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(Alyssa's p.o.v)

My eyes flutter open and glance open at the clock, 10:47. I widen my eyes and sit up from the bed rapidly remembering that I am supposed to meet Harry at the ice cream parlor, at 11:00.

I grab my phone off of my nightstand and text harry 'if I am late it's because I just woke up.'

Within seconds I receive a text from him, 'It's ok a princess needs her beauty rest after a long night :)'

A goofy grin takes over my face as I read over the text he sent me. 'I will try to get ready quickly!'

Before setting my phone back down I reread over the text where he called me a princess. I take a deep breath and walk into the bathroom, taking a quick 5-minute shower to freshen myself up, before meeting with Harry. Once I'm done taking a shower, i rummage threw my closet and pick out a simple black shirt, that's almost like a tank top, but not, and a pair of blue jean shorts. I quickly brush my hair out and put it up into a pony tail. I run to the bathroom and brush my teeth, once I'm done I then slipped on my converse tennis shoes.

I grab my bag off of my bed and sling it over my body, I grab my phone and look to see what time it is, 11:07.

Just as I am going to open the front door my mothers voice echoes from the kitchen, "where are you going so early?"

"I'm going to meet harry at the ice cream parlor." I shout back to my mom.

"Harry who?" She replies, curiously.

"Styles!" I say with a smile and walk out of the house.

(Harry's p.o.v)

It's already 15 minutes after 11:00, maybe she isn't going to show up after all. I have called her but she hasn't answered. I pace back in forth in outside of the store getting nervous to knowing, whether or not, if she is coming.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I instantly look at it, across the screen shines Alyssa's name and I smile,"Hello," I smile even though she cannot see me.

"Hey Harry, I'm so sorry I am running late right now. I woke up late and-"she stops and takes a deep breath. "I'm just 5 minutes away." I hear a short laugh after her speaking.

"Why did you stop talking?" I chuckle slightly.

"Well, I would have just kept going on and on and I would eventually get annoying."her voice trails off.

"Mmm no, I don't think that's possible."I shake my head and look out into the road and back to the ground.

"Mmm yea," she giggles. "well I guess I should go now because I'm almost there, see you soon."

"Ok, bye." I reply and shut off my phone.

(Alyssa's p.o.v)

I finally pull up in the parking lot of the ice cream parlor. I let out a breath of relief when I spot Harry sitting inside, on his phone. I climb out out of my car and walk inside, with little nerves inside of me bouncing around. I walk up to harry and tap him on the shoulder. He turns his head towards me and when he realizes it's me he grins.

"Look who is finally here!"

"yup," I pop the p. "finally!"

I sit in the booth across from Harry. I have never known that someone's eyes could be filled with such a beautiful green.

"What flavor ice cream do you want?" Harry asks me.

Harry's POV

"Let me go up there and looks what flavors there are," she looks at me and looks away when she gets up from the booth.

I love the way she reacted when I made eye contact with her, she glanced at me but when she realized u was looking at her she quickly looked away. Almost as if she was shy.
I stand up from the booth and follow behind her, to the counter.

She looks around at the different ice cream while biting her lip, "I think I might get cookies and cream."

"Cookies and cream, huh."

"Yep." Alyssa's cheeks grow a light shade of pink.

" 1 cookies and cream and 1 double fudge chocolate." I tell the cashier.

Once I'm done speaking to the cashier Alyssa's looks at me, "No harry I'm paying for mine."

"Nope it's all on me Alyssa," I say smiling. "I was the one who invited you to come here, remember?"

"Fine." She rolls her eyes,trying to not grin but fails.

The cashier hands the two of us our ice cream in cones and we both start eating it.

"Do you want to go eat outside at one of tables?" I question, while looking at Alyssa.

"Sun is shining, so that's fine with me." She licks her ice cream.

(Alyssa's p.o.v)

"So harry what do you like to do when your not working, slash, on tour?" I ask as soon as we sit down at one of the tables.

" Mmm, Sleep , hang out with my buddies , just try to be normal." harry says to me.

"How about you Alyssa?" Harry questions me.

"Well, I hang out with my friends... keep up with what y'all are doing... like any other directioner." I tell harry while muffling my giggle and he burst out laughing.

"I love it." he grins.

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