forward in time

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------TEN YEARS LATER------

-you can Adrien are 25. alec is 6 and Angel is 5 (your children)

"Adrien! Can you take Alec to his game so I can take Shyla's daughter and Angel to ballet?" I yelled from upstairs. Currently, me and Adrien both have full time jobs, 2 kids and are married with a little cat running around the house constantly! I wish dad could have seen all this in person but its okay I guess. I still miss them but time does heal things. As for Adrien and his dad, they get along just great now!

"Yeah, hun! Im going now, see ya after! I love you!" Adrien yelled back to me. I smiled. "I love you too!"

"Aw look at you two being all cute" shyla smirked. I blushed. "Well we are married" I told her. "yeah yeah..." she sighed. "He'll propose soon girl, calm down. Jason is just nervous." I patted her back. "Yeah I know.." she sighed. "but nino is married to ayla and mari is married to tomato!" she yelled. "why did I get a pussy?!" she yelled louder. I laughed. "shh, the girls.." I whispered. she nodded with a giggle. Angel and her little friend came walking in my room with tilted heads. "hey there." I smiled. "mom, whats a pussy?" Angel asked me. my eyes widened and I heard loud laughing from shyla. she was about to fall off my bed. "dont say that, and it means a scardie cat!" I yelled. "why, cant I say pussy ?" she questioned. "stop! and because I said so." I replied. she scrunched her nose and opened her mouth about to yelled. "pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy!!" she yelled and ran down the hall. I laughed along with shyla. "why'd you yell that?!" I laughed. "oh my god though!" she yelled back. "girl.. if they say that anywhere else.." I sighed. She giggled again at me.

----Another 10 years later----

-You and Adrien are 35. alec is 16 and Angel is 15.-

-Angel's POV-

I quickly tied my long, blonde hair into a ponytail as I left school grounds. My parents went to school here too. They never stop talking about it... It gets annoying sometimes.  Emily is my mom's best friend's daughter who is also my best friend.

"Angel we have practice later!" Emily yelled to me as she ran down the school steps. "yeah, yeah. Ill see you there" I told her as we went our separate ways home.

"Oof! Oh no.." an older gentlemen yelled as he fell and dropped his cane. I quickly ran over and picked it up for him then helped him up. "Sir, are you okay? that was quite the fall, I hope your not harmed." I told him with a smile and handed him his cane. "yes, thank you very much, young lady" he replied. "You're welcome sir" I told him again than turn to go back home.

As I walked in my room, I noticed a something on my desk. It was a black box with red lines covering it. It seemed to be able to open sooo.. I opened it. Inside held a black ring with a cat symbol on it. "I wonder if mom and dad got it for me?" I said to myself and slid it on my finger. As soon as I did so, a blinding light and a high pitched voice started talking. "No they didn't. Plagg. Nice to meet cha" a tiny flying cat spoke. "AH! TINY FLYING KITTY!!" I yelled. "you're so cutttte" I said and giggled as I stepped closer to it. "im no kitty, im a lot older than those." he said crossing his little arms. "nope. You're still a kitty. How are you flying? What did my parents do" I replied. "kid, your parents didn't do this. What's their names?" he asked. "Well my mom's name is Y/n Agreste, and my dad's is Adrien Agreste" I told the small cat confused. His mouth dropped. "This will be great!" Plagg yelled.

=The End=

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