"A Superhero Is Falling For My Baby!"

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-your POV-

I started to hear tapping to the beat of a song in the background. Then some talking. And some slight laughs. I felt the sun shine on my face. 'It feels so peaceful here right now. Wait..where am i? ..i remember now. The hospital. The car wreak!!' i thought and shot up from my sleeping position. I couldn't see clearly. "WHE-" i began to yell but i chocked on my pain and stopped talking. I coughed for a second and felt a hand on my shoulder. "Sh, calm down baby." Someone told my. My eyes darted to the person. "M-" i coughed again. "Sh, -y.n-. No more talking" mom told me. I began to cry and hug her tight. I nodded my head. "Theres someone here for you by the way." she said letting me go and smirked. I made a confused face and stared at her till she pointed to the tall blonde in a black, leather, cat suit. I smiled and looked around for my notebook. He saw me looking than pulled something out from behind him. He sat next to me and handed me a pastel pink colored notebook and a matching pen. I smiled wider and took it. Then he put a heart necklace around my neck.

(Note book)

Chat noir! Why did you get me these!?
He grinned
"I figured that you couldn't talk for a while sooo i got you that notebook, and I thought you would like the necklace as a gift, my belle". (Translation: My beautiful )
I blushed slightly and pointed to my mom. Chat chuckled a little bit. I looked at mom to see her looking really surprised. "OH MY GOSH!" she yelled and stared at Chat. I looked back at him. He was blushing a lot. "So you know French?" he asked while scratching the back of his neck.
She took French in high school
I wrote in my book and showed him. "You better watch out little boy! I may be stuck in a wheel chair for now but if you hurt her ill kick you and your tail-" i put my hand over her mouth and shooshed her by putting a finger to my lips. I blushed darker. Chat Noir looked her dead in the eyes with a serious face as i removed my hand from her mouth.......and she licked me.. 'Ew!!' i thought and wiped my hand on the blankets as Chat started to talk in his serious voice. "Why would i ever hurt -y.n-? I could never break her heart if that's what you mean." he said in all seriousness. Me and mom both were shocked. She hugged me while i blushed, staring at Chat. "Would you promise on your life?" she asked seriously. Chat Noir put a hand over his heart and bowed lightly while looking me in the eyes. "Of course" he said and kissed the back of my hand. My mouth was wide open and so was moms. 'He didnt just do that in front of mom' i thought to myself in disbelief. Chat saw my facial expression and smirked. "But i did" he said looking at me. My eyes got even wider, if possible. I quickly grabbed my notebook.
!I wrote and showed him quickly. He chuckled
"Magicccc~" he said while waving his hands in the air like SpongeBob did in that one episode.
He chuckled. "Not sorry"
Mom then cut in. "Wait do you two know each other?!" she gasped. I nodded while blushing.
He comes in my windows​ sometimes..
Chat smiled and shrugged as i showed mom the note.
I moved away from ber a bit and looked at Chat for help.
"U-uh...beep beep beep. Sorry I have to gooo...." Chat made the beeping noise from his ring with his mouth and walked toward the window. "Young man get back here!" Mom yelled. He instantly stopped and turned around. "Y-Y-Yes ma'am!" He yelled back. I blushed and giggled. You couldn't really hear my giggle but you could tell I did it. "How long have you two been dating?" She questioned us. Me and Chat Noir blushed and looked at each other then back to mom again.
Mom we aren't dating!
I wrote down and showed her. She made a 'do you think I'm an idiot' face while starting at me.
"Yeah right. Than when will you?" She smirked. I blushed even harder and covered my face with my hands. Chat Noir spoke up. "Yeah, when will we?" He smirked. Mom looked a little offended that he would say such a thing in front of her but she brushed it off and nodded in agreement. I looked up and immediately shot my head to Chat. I didn't say anything or write anything, I just stared in shock and looked like a blushing mess.
Your...asking me out? Like.....being for real? Not for show??
I questioned and showed him the notebook. He smirked and took it along with the pen.
Why would I lie, mon chéri?    (Translation: my darling)
I didn't say that! You just flirt with a lot of people so I thought you were..
Joking? Never. Not to you at least, purrincess~
So just to be clear....your asking me out?
Then we stopped writing when I heard his ring beep. "Why don't we continue this soon, mon chéri~" he said smirking as he jumped out the window and onto the tops of buildings. I blushed and looked over at mom. She tried to grab the notebook from me but I took it back. I flipped a page and wrote "NO!" all over  it. "-Y.N-! I am your mother you will let me read it!" She yelled. I pointed at the 'no' again and made a mad face. Then she got serious....it scared me so I gave her the notebook... 
"Ooooohhhhh~ A superhero is falling for my baby!!" She exclaimed and clapped. "Good job -y.n-!" She said while high-fiveing me.
Heh thanks mom, i know, I'm amazing.
I wrote sarcastically. She smiled and hugged me. "I love you".
I wrote a heart in the middle of the page and hugged back.

-time skip-

Mom walked in the room crying. I got worried and hugged her when she sat next to me. She began to talk threw her tears.


Sad ending......sorry.

-The New Girl From The USA-   {Chat Noir X Reader} -!-COMPLETED-!-Where stories live. Discover now