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-Chats POV. Let's skip a day to get so that Chat is putting his letter on the tower....I'm sorry I'm lazy ik-

It just turned midnight and I had already put down my letter for Angel to pick up. I was hiding behind one of the bars on top of the Eiffel Tower. I was debating on wether to scare her when she shows up or to just watch. N-not in a creepy way but... you know. I turned my head slightly to the right and noticed something behind me. I turned fully around and saw Angel! How?! "Hello kitty" she greeted me with a smile. "H-How did you get there so fast? I didn't even hear you!" I asked puzzled. "You looked like you were thinking about something so I took that chance to paw-sibly scare you" she smirked. "Well you succeed. You did a paw-sitivly claw-some job!" I walked towards her a bit. She laughed and tried to think of what to say. "You know, it's mew-ments like these I cherish" she replied looking up at me. I chuckled. "Paw-lease! This is meow-thing yet!" We laughed back and forth. "Is that cat-itude I smell? Rude." She said crossing her arms and pretending to be mad. "I wonder how many cat-wheels you can do? I can keep going till the end of time, I'm very cat-letic" I smirked. "Are you challenging me kitty?" She asked and rang my bell. "What if I was?" I poked her nose in response. She giggled and scrunched her cute little nose up. "Alright, bet!" She jumped off the side of the tower, landing on her feet with the help of her whip. She started doing a bunch of cartwheels as soon as she touched the ground. Soon I jumped down too and did some cartwheels.

-time skip. And you back at the top of the tower-

"Well that was fun" Angel said panting. "Yeah!" I chuckled. She smiled back at me and kept panting. 'What's wrong with her? We've been resting for over 2 minutes now she should have calmed down already.' I thought and got a worried look. "Wha-Whats wrong?" She asked in between breaths. I got a bit more serious. I picked her up and sat her down on my lap facing me. "What's wrong, Bunny?"  "What? Nothing?" She questioned. She slowly began calming down, finally. "Why are you breathing so hard?" I asked with a concerned/worried face. She almost laughed then replied. "Ohh. That's what. I have Asthma. This happens a lot so don't be scared." She told me with a warm smile. "Don't you have an inhaler?" I asked turning my head to the side. "I do, it's at home though. I don't carry it everywhere." She told me. "Why not? What if you can't control your breathing? What if you have an asthma attack? What if-" she stopped me by putting her finger on my lips. "Shh, calm down. You'll need the inhaler more than me soon" she giggled and removed her finger. "Okay..." I sighed. The word letter popped into my head then I turned my head to where I left my note. I sighed from relief after I saw it was still there. Angel noticed me and she smiled. "Can I read it now?" She asked. I shook my head 'no' and grabbed the note after taking her off my lap. "Wait till you get back to your aunts house" I said smiling then handed it to her. She sighed and took it. "Fineeee.. than I mist be leaving!" She exclaimed and pointed her finger towards the sky. "Noooooo!" I whined and grabbed her arm. "But I have to anyway! My family is going somewhere in a few hours and I have to go with them plus I'm tired. I'm really sorry Chat" she apologized while petting my head. "It's okay.. I'll  come by at noon for your letter." I let her go and smiled.

-your POV-

"Alright, see you then!" I smiled and he smiled back. Then I shouted, "Soul Self!" While teleported me back to my aunts fashion house. I sat down on my bed with an apple in my hand. I de-transformed and gave it to Cocoa. "-y.n- your heart is beating really fast. Why??" She asked me while eating. "..I don't know" I looked away blushing. "Is it because of Chat Noir?" She asked bluntly. "Whaaaaaaatttt......noooooo........neverrrrrrrrrrrr" I lied. Cocoa rolled her eyes. She knew it was because of Chat. 'He's just so freaking....HOT! Oh my lorrrrd!' I thought biting my lip.  "Hey -y.n-, if you bite your lip any harder it'll bleed out" Cocoa states finishing her apple. I blushed a bit darker and grinned. "Okayy... well lets go to bed it's late, and we have church soon!" I exclaimed and laid in the bed. "Okay!" Cocoa smiles and flew into my covers. "Good night" we said at the same time than quickly fell asleep.

Sorry today's chapter is so short. This chapter was preping you for the next one. The next one if major and really REALLY sad. I'll started writing that chapter and I already cried.
Anyway hoped you like it!

~Author J~

-The New Girl From The USA-   {Chat Noir X Reader} -!-COMPLETED-!-Where stories live. Discover now