chapter 5

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      Lauren's POV

I woke up and turned over to see Demi's awake and staring at me.

"Good morning beautiful" she said

"good morning"

"you do know that we have to talk about what you did last night"


"because you used the phone without me or Marissa watching you and you told so now thanks to you we have to make sure Camila dont tell the police"

"dont hurt her"

"I wont and Marissa is going to deal with her not me"

"will she hurt her"

"no and I dont know how she is going to handle it but I will make sure she will not get harmed"

"will I ever be able to her or the other girl again"

"do you mean the other girls that was in Fifth Harmony"


"that depends"

"on what"

"come on lets get up and eat" she said getting up and puting out her hand for me to take which I did. We walked into the dining room and I saw eggs and bacon on two plates and two glasses which I guess has orange juice in it. After I finished eating we went into the lounge and started to watch something but I noticed something after a while where the fuck is Marissa usually she will be here. Please be safe Camz because I have a feeling her gone has something to do with Camila.

        Demi's POV

When I woke up, I fixed some breakfast for me, Marissa, and Lauren. I went to Marissa so we can talk about what we are going to do about Camila. She said she would handle it before going downstairs and I went back to the bedroom. I watched Lauren sleep some before I got a message from Marissa saying that she is leaving to go handle it and I said ok before putting my phone down before turning over and saw that Lauren is turning over. After we finished talking, we got up and went downstairs to eat. After we finished eating we went into the lounge, while watching tv, I looked over to Lauren and saw that she was thinking about something. I think she figured out that Marisisa is not here and thinking about where she could be but what she doesnt know is that I know what Marissa is going to do. I focused back on the tv since I knew I was going to ask ehr what is she thinking and she wouldnt tell me and I would try to get her to tell me and I didnt feel like to right now.

       Marissa's POV

When I woke up, I got up and used the bathroom before going to pack me some clothes to go to Miami since I booked a plane last night and printed out the ticket. Demi came in when I was ziping up my bag to talk to me about Camila. I told her everything what I am going to do and that I am leaving to go to Miami. She respond with ok and that there is food downstairs before walking out with me behind her, she went back to her bedroom while I went into the dining room to eat. After I finished eating, I went to go take a shower and change, when I was done, I texted Demi that I am leaving before going out the door with my bags and I got into the cab. I didnt want to leave my car in the parken lot so I have to use a cab. When we got to the airport, I paid the guy before getting out. When I got on the plane, I had to think of how I am going to get her to LA.

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