chapter 3

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         Demi's POV

I woke up to Lauren laying on me completly which made me smile watching her sleep. I didnt even know she was from fifth harmony when I took her, I found out when she told me to look up the band and she was in it. I cant believe that I want to date one of the girls from fifth harmony and I thought that would never happened but hey some things change. I got my phone on my end table which was hard with Lauren on top of me.

"can you fix breakfast since I am stuck" I texted Marissa

"how are you stuck and I dont want to get up yet" She said so I took a pic of Lauren on top of me.

"this is why" then I have the photo with it

"damn girl already got her in bed share with me" Marissa texted me. Me and Marissa used to hook up but no one knows that.

"No she is mine but we might can do a threesome"

"yes lets do it, I am coming to your room now"

"no I want her to not be scared of me not be fucking buddies with both of us" I texted her back right when Marissa walked in my room with just a shirt and panties on.

"read my text" I told her then she looked at my phone.

"well fuck her and if she likes it then date her"

"no now be quit before you wake her up"

"wait if you want me to cook breakfast should she be up"

"I want to wake her up now go" I said and she walked out saying ok. I stayed there watching Lauren sleep but I did found out that she think of me sleeping when she started saying my me.

"faster Dem" she mumbled against my chest. Shit what the fuck, I anit even touching her wait she is asleep aww she is dreaming about me.

"Demii harder" she screamed before moaning, why is she dreaming about me fucking her since I guess that is what she is dreaming about, I thought she hated me.

       Marissa's POV

When Demi sent me a mesage about a threesome, I thought that would happen. When Demi told me to go out her bedroom, I went in the kitchen and started to cook pancakes. While I was fixing breakfast I heard Lauren scream Demi's name and moan and I know it is her because why would Demi yell her own name.

"I thought you said you werent going to fuck her" I texted Demi

"I anit she is dreaming about me"

"damn you got her hating and loving you at the same time and you got to wake her up breakfast is ready" I texted back before taking the pancakes off the stove.

     Demi's POV

When Marissa told me to wake up Lauren, I put my phone down before looking at her. I noticed her lips where near mine so I pulled her up some but slow so I dont wake her up I just heard her groan when I did, I put my lips on her and kissed her, next think I knew she was kissing back hard. When I moaned her eyes opened quickly. When she noticed she was on me she quickly got apologizing.

"Dont be sorry babe, I wouldnt mind waking up to you on me" I told her which made her blush

"dont call me babe and you wont wake up to me on you"

"well I did this morning"

"I was asleep"

"still can do it again"

"well you can give me my own room so I wont"

"not till I can trust you not to escape"

"why do you even care if I escape" she said which made me sighed

Kidnapped by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now