Chpater 3

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(Two years later)

Diana's POV

Me and Louis are now in second grade and we're still best friends. Our mummy's don't know so we just talk at school and in between the fence.

"I hate you don't talk to me" I yelled at Louis as we got off the bus.

"I hate you too so it's fine" he yelled back that's a thing we do when we get home we act like we hate each other.

It is actually pretty fun we always laugh about it later. I still just wish I knew why we can't be friends.

"How was school" my mummy asked when I got inside.

"It was fun we did a lot of coloring today" I smiled to her as she handed me a juice.

"Well at least you and fun" mummy smiled.

"Can I go outside" I asked quickly wanting to talk to Louis.

"Sure but stay where I can see you" my mummy warned once outside I ran over to the fence.


"That crazy" I said to Louis we had been talking at the fence for a little while now.

"I know right" He smiled.

"Diana what do you think you are doing" my mummy yelled before picking me up.

"And what do you think your doing Louis" his mom yelled doing the same.

I watched as Louis mum carried him inside as mine did the same thing.


(2 days later)

I was sitting outside playing in the grass thinking about Louis. That's when someone knocked on the fence.

"Louis where have you been" I said when I got to the fence.

"Helping my mom pack" he frowned.

"Pack for what" i asked him.

"Diana were moving to America" Louis said a tear rolling down his cheek.

"So we can't be friends no more" I whispered to him.

"No but listen to me one day we will see each other again because one day I'm going to marry you Diana I promise" Louis said before walking away.

"Bye Louis" I yelled before I started to cry.

I went back inside and went over to my mummy first thing.

"Diana what's wrong" she asked taking me in her arms.

"Louis moving to America" I said she didn't say anything just held me in her arms.

I eventually fell asleep.

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