Maybe I do care about you

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A/N Ok so I still have writers block but I didn't think this was too bad so I decided to post it. Also warning!! Sofitz shippers be warned. But then again why would they be on a sokeefe story soo. Btw this happens right before keefe leaves. To the story!!!

Lying on my bed I heard a knock on the door . "Come in!!"
        "Hey Soph," Fitz came from behind and kissed my neck, "what are you doing today?" I smiled and turned around to face him. "I don't know yet, probably just hanging around the pastures and helping Grady with animals, why?" Fitz took a seat on my bed and wrapped his arms around me. "Well," his breath felt hot on my neck and I shivered. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over and play Base Quest?"

"Oh," I was a little disappointed that he wanted to play a game instead of something else together but I ignore it and agreed. "Okay sure." He smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me off the bed. "Come on then." We walked upstairs and headed toward the Leapmaster. "Everglane!" He yelled and before we were whisked away, we let go of our untwined hands.

"Look who decided to show up, Foster" Keefe said as he walked towards us. My stomach did a tumble but I scolded myself. I'm with Fitz, my crush, isn't that what you wanted? Now when you finally get what you want, you have feelings for another guy. He probably doesn't even like you, right? And besides it's not Keefe's fault, he doesn't know your with Fitz, nobody knows yet. I had been trying to keep our relationship a secret and wanted to make sure everyone knew at the same time. "Oh hey Keefe." I said and walked away quickly. But Keefe being an Empath knew something was wrong and followed me. "What's wrong Foster? Lately you've been pushing me away, did I do something bad? I never meant to hurt you." He started backing away. "Please don't say you hate me" I looked at him dumbfounded, "Keefe why in the world would I say I hate you? You did nothing wrong, it was me, I was being a bad friend and pushing you away, I'm sorry." I decided I better tell Keefe about Fitz and me right now before he started blaming himself. "Keefe, your an empath so you must know that I'm feeling guilty talking to you right now, truth is," I took a shaky breath, "FitzandIaredating." I said real fast. "Foster I can't hear you when you speak that fast," he said it with a smirk but  I knew him well enough that he heard me, his icy blue eyes were filled with sadness even though he still had his signature smirk plastered across his face. "Fitz and I are a thing." I couldn't stand it anymore so I started walking away. "Wait Sophie!" Keefe yelled trying to catch up with me. But I have myself a brain push and ran back to the gates and into Biana's room. 

"Sophie!" She said when she first saw me, "what's wrong?" She opened her arms wide and pulled me into a hug. I gladly excepted and let one tear fall. "Did I make the right choice?" "Sophie you're making no sense, what do you mean 'right choice'?" I groaned that means I'd have to tell Biana too, so long for telling everyone at the same time. "Biana, I like Fitz." I said waiting for that to sink in,"

"YOU WHAT?!?!"

"Surprise?" I said with jazz hands.

"SOPHIE ELIZABETH FOSTER!! You like my brother and now your are just telling me?"

"Um so see, he already knows," Biana gasped, " is that why your crying! Did he reject you? That little, FI" I cut her off by placinga hand over her mouth, "No that's not why, we already are dating, it's just, I'm not so sure I like him more than someone else..."

"Oh" was all she said. "We will figure this out later, come on let's go play Base Quest."

"Ok" I followed her to their backyard where Fitz and Keefe were already waiting. Fitz ran up to me and hugged me but I couldn't help staring at Keefe, his eyes were red and it looked like he had been crying. But he was smirking and trying to cover it up, Biana believed it and so did Fitz but I wasn't so convinced. "Ok so who is on who's team?"

"Foster's on mine." Fitz looked mad but shook it off and agreed. "Okay lets go Biana." They took off and while Keefe and I were waiting I confronted him. "Keefe were you crying?" He looked at me shocked like I couldn't have noticed. Come on, I knew him so well did he really think he could hide it from me?

"No" haha Keefe, GREAT lie. I touched his arm, but he flinched away. "Im sorry Sophie." He pulled out a crystal meaning neutral territories. "Keefe where are you going?" I asked calmly but I was freaking out inside. What was he doing with that?!?!

A/N you guys already know what happened if you read Neverseen.

Skip to 4 months later

"Hey Soph!" Fitz came into my room while I was playing with my necklace Keefe gave me. Fitz noticed it and pushed it away and kissed me instead. "Soph it's been 4 months."

I jumped off the bed outraged, "I know Fitz! I was there at the planting. I was there when they announced him dead! But he isn't!! No one understands that he's still alive!!"

Fitz was yelling now, "but why do you fricken care so much!!! I know he was your friend but your acting like you found out that the Sun is gone. You're acting like you care!!" 

"Well maybe I do care!!" I quickly shut my big mouth, what did I just admit?!? "I mean as a friend!" I quickly tried to cover up. Too late, Fitz already heard.

"What the heck Sophie!!! I'm your boyfriend and you have feelings for a coward!! Who left you?!?" He paced across the room. "I'm your boyfriend! Not Keefe, ME!" He stormed outside the room and slammed the door. I just sank to the floor crying. But after a few minutes I decided I needed to be outside. So I ran to Calla's tree and cried there.

I almost missed the next words, "Glad to know you miss me." He said softly.  I honestly thought I was imagining. So I slowly turned around and saw the owner of the voice. Keefe Sencen. He had his smirk on his face but his eyes were sad. "Keefe what are you doing here? They will find you! You'll be hurt, you have to go." I screamed, "Oh my god Keefe you'll be killed!! Please please please leave!"
He smirked and tossed me two objects. I looked down and almost dropped them. It was Kenric's and someone else's cache. "Keefe, who's is this?" His smirk now reached his eyes. "That Foster, is non-others then Fintan's." He reached forward to grab my hand and I held on. He was full on smiling now. "How did you get this?" I asked shocked. "I've been planning it for a while and one day it all came into place." I finally excepted that he was real and I rushed forward to hug him. "Keefe,"  I whispered, now on the verge of crying. "I missed you so much," my voice cracked. And I was now crying. "I thought you were hurt, I thought you were gone. Please Keefe never ever leave me again."

Keefe also had tears in his eyes, "Sophie I never meant to hurt you, I did this because I thought you would be better of with Fitz, and I needed some time to figure things out." Keefe pulled away, "Speaking of Fitz," the sadness was back in his eyes. "Where is he, isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Oh, about that. We had a big fight, about um" I looked at the ground blushing. "About what?"
"About um, how I um, careaboutyou." "Say that again but slower." Keefe said smirking. I glared at him, fine I'll say it, "We got in a fight  because I said I care about you! There I said it!" Keefe had the biggest smile on his face, "Well Foster, I think I care about you too." He then pulled me close and put his lips on mine. I then realized how much I needed Keefe. Without him I would've been lost, drowning. He saved me, he was my raft. I kissed him harder and hugged him. "Keefe Sencen don't ever leave me again, because my heart would not be able to handle it." He smiled against my back, "I love you Sophie."

This time it was my turn to smile, "I love you too."

A/N phew that took forever. But it's done :) also just wanted to say thanks so much for all the support and love ya guys! Also sorry I hadn't posted in a while I think my regular posts will be every 5 days since school is getting nearer and I'm getting busier till next time, stay Gucci! ;)

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