Chapter 9 - A Mistake

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Because of my state, I was unable to come to the family reunion that day. I sulked and ate ice cream while thinking about what happened. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t mad at Caleb anymore. In fact, I think I was even madder at myself for not having the guts to tell him that I forgive him. I contemplated on going to their house to talk but decided against it. I guess I have that much pride.

That Monday morning, Ashley walked up to me during class. I tried my best not to shout at her. Maybe she’ll explain or something. Maybe she’ll apologize. But she didn’t. And what she said were even more shocking.

“Sam!” she said excitedly. “Guess what happened at the party.”

“What?” I said dryly.

“I kissed him.”

I was too stunned. It seemed to me that Ashley doesn’t know that I know about the kiss. Please don’t tell me she’ll lie about it. “Who?” I choked.

“The love of my life,” she said dreamily and my hurt broke into pieces. I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t move.

She adds after a while, “Though, I couldn’t remember how I got home. I mean, in my state, I don’t think I’d even get my name straight. The last thing I remembered was telling him how embarrassed I was that I looked like a mess! Why didn’t you tell me my blouse was crooked? I was so humiliated,” she covered her face.

“What happened to you?” she said. I probably looked pale or something. I felt queasy. I was speechless. I didn’t know how to process Ashley confessing that my boyfriend was the love of her life.

“Oh gosh. Here he comes here he comes. Do I look presentable? Is my hair okay?” she panicked, trying hard to fix herself. I scanned the room to look for Caleb. The only male students there were the ones from his org. I knew them but Caleb wasn’t with them.

I was too distracted by my best friend’s revelation when I heard a male voice beside me.

“Hey Ash. Hi Sam,” I turned to see Miko, one of our classmates and one of Caleb’s orgmates, sitting down beside me. I turned to Ashley and she was smiling widely.

“Uh, Mik-Miko. Abo- about the p- party” Ashley stuttered blushing.

“Oh yeah about that. I really am sorry Ashley. I was too tired from the project I wasn’t able to go,” he said worriedly. “I hope you guys can forgive me. But I heard it was a blast.” He smiled.

“A-Ah y-yes. It was.” Ashley answered shocked.

Slowly, it was sinking on me. Coming to the rescue, I said, “Too bad. This means we aren’t obliged to go to your next org party, right?” I joked while Ashley tried her best to compose herself.

“Awww. Sam. That’s harsh,” he said while clutching his chest. Hearing his name being called by his org mates, “I have to go. I’ll see you around!” he said before walking back to his friends.

When I turned to Ashley, she looked as if she saw a ghost. She was muttering, “It wasn’t him” under her breath.

I laughed when I realized what had happened. I had to slap Ashley awake. Even then, she was still looking around surprised.

“But- But it was him! I was sure it was him!” she exclaimed after a while.

Before I can even speak, she was already talking to herself, “But that can’t be. I was sure it was him. Is he so embarrassed of me that he doesn’t want anybody to know what happened?!” she gasped, the reality of that night sinking even more, “But if it wasn’t him, who did I kiss? Oh my gosh. And I was saying Miko’s name the whole time! Oh the horror! What if the guy I kissed tells Miko that I like him? I am such an idiot! Why did I have to drink that much?!”

I shook her saying, “Ashley Hastings! The fact that there aren’t any rumors about the two of you means that whoever is the guy that you kissed, he’s probably keeping your secret safe. That or your words weren’t understandable and he thought you were just talking nonsense,” I reasoned out knowing perfectly well who the guy was.

“My reputation’s ruined!” she cries, putting her head down. I chuckled and began to think of Caleb. I was wrong. I have to talk him. I have to apologize.

When we went to the cafeteria that morning, everybody was congratulating us for the great party. Nobody talked about how drunk our whole group was nor about Ashley’s confession. Soon, she was sitting comfortably, the mistaken kiss already forgotten.

“Sammie. Where’s Caleb?” Lily asked.

I bowed my head, feeling guilty, before saying, “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him.”

“I heard their team encountered some difficulties last night during the test run and had to alter some things. Theo went home at 6 AM.” Jessica said. Theo was her rumored boyfriend at that time. Although, she denies having any relationship with him and explains that they were just good friends. “I heard the others were still working on it when he left,” she adds.

Caleb probably was one of the people working on it till the end. He had been engrossed with this since a few weeks back. I began to get worried. Aside from the fact that we were still not okay, him working on the project full time may mean him not eating. Having no afternoon classes, I decided to go to their house when I heard they were finishing the project there.

When I arrived at their house, the maids told me that he was in the room by the garage with his friends. When I got there, it was as if the sky rained down male bodies. Guys were sprawled everywhere. Caleb was lying on the bed, an arm was draped around his chest and a leg was on top of his. What shocked me more was when I realized that the owner of those limbs is a girl.

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