Chapter 3 - Designer

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“You’re bad for my figure.” I said to him while we were lying in bed together.

“Hmmm. Why is that? I keep you fit,” he said while laughing. His face lights up every time.

“That’s the problem. You tire me too much. I think I’m getting skinnier.” I pouted at him. He looked at me from head to toe worriedly before lying back beside me.

“Nope. You’re still hot as ever.” He said with a smile.

“You’re also bad for my ego.” I said laughingly. I really love having days like this with him. A day without all the stress of work and everything that seems to ruin my optimism in life. “And my work,” I added after a while.

“Maybe it’s time you resign,” he said.

“Are you telling me I’m not good in doing my job?” I said shockingly. “Are my signatures getting ugly?” I added jokingly.

“Nope. I just don’t want you getting stressed anymore.”

“There are reasons to get stressed in every single thing.”

“Not if you do nothing.”

“I am doing nothing already. I am getting stressed with being bored.”

“Aish. Then have a hobby or something.”

“I’m not the hobby-kind of person.” I said while trying to suppress my laugh. He really is serious over this.

“You’re so close-minded.” He said frustratingly.

“No. You are.” I kissed the top of his nose trying to calm him down.

“I can totally provide for the both of us without you having to work.”

“I know. But they need me to work. Plus, we’re not married yet,” he suddenly looked up before I cut him off with “And getting married isn’t going to make me not go to work. You don’t need to provide for me. I can do that myself. Heck, my brother does it for me,” I laugh.

Giving up, he said, “Hmph. Your brother’s right. You were better when you were acting all pretty and doing nothing all day.”

I laughed. It’s been a year since I started working. Recently, because of the merger, I was forced to work in our company.

The Lee Corporation, the one where my older brother, Daniel is the CEO is a long line of resorts, malls, restaurants, clothing lines and international trade industries in Korea. Currently, because mainly of my mother’s profession-she’s a nurse-a hospital was added to our properties.

The Park Enterprise, which Caleb’s older brother Christian is currently the president, is a collection of department stores, furniture, electronics and appliance factories and construction companies. They now boast their own travel agency and airline which caters the local and international trips of Korean celebrities and high politicians. Caleb’s the CEO for more than half of the companies.

Since both companies handle almost all of the smaller companies, both our families are two of the richest in the continent. Since our parents have been friends since their childhood, they decided to merge some of our companies. LP Corporation, the end result of the merger, was given to both my brother and Christian to manage.

Since my brother was tasked to overlook both LP and the Lee companies, I was placed as the vice-CEO, if such a position truly exists. Bottom line, what I do is just attend the meetings my brother can’t attend and sign the papers he’s too tired to sign. Oh, I also go around the new mall, Cornucopia, to see if all the employees are doing their job. A job which I think is fruitless since everyone seems to know when I was coming and so giving them time to prepare and act as if they’re doing their job.

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