Chapter 7 - A Kiss

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Our relationship after that was a collection of laughs, tears, shouts, sweet words, break-ups and make-ups. During our first year, I manage to balance my time between him, school work, modelling, family and friends. I was even more popular at school and although Caleb and I were together, guys were still wooing me with gifts-something Caleb isn’t happy about. A lot of girls were still flirting with him as well-something I wasn’t happy with. Ever since he started driving me to my photo shoots, a lot of models were taking interest in him. Although I know that he only has eyes for me, it was still the cause of most of our fights.

At our second year, things got even worse. I was busier with my schedules and him at school. We rarely see each other anymore and when we do, we’re both so stressed that we don’t do anything but fight over the littlest things.

It was known to me that Ashley liked Caleb. Before I got together with him, she would always mention how lucky I was that Caleb was there for me. She even told me that she had a crush with him during the first few days of school but stopped herself when we became friends. Since we were close, she eventually got close with Caleb. Although most people would even point out how she was flirting with him, I convinced myself that friends wouldn’t do that to each other. It was also the time when our clique got bigger. But the three of us, Jessica, me and Ashley were still the closest. It was also then that my cousin Lily transferred to our school.

During one of the school parties, my friends and I had a little too much to drink. Ashley said she’ll just be going to the bathroom and headed off. Being gone for a few minutes, I decided to follow her, worried that she’d pass out in the restroom. What I saw stunned me speechless.

There in the hallways, Ashley was kissing Caleb. She was mumbling something to Caleb when I noticed that she was fumbling with her buttons. I managed to hide myself just as Caleb turned and looked around. Seeing as nobody was around, he scooped Ashley in his arms and went out of the building. I was too shocked to function. It took me several minutes before I got back on my feet and went back to our table.

When they asked me where Ashley was, I just told them I didn’t see her and she’s probably in a room with a guy somewhere. Probably with Caleb somewhere. I fought hard to control my tears.

By the end of the night, I was so drunk that Jessica had to pin me beside her so that I won’t go off doing things I’d probably regret (her words). Lily had to stop me from drinking, worried about my image and about the scandals I might star in. My head was so foggy and I vaguely remember Caleb picking me up and carrying me back to his car.

When I woke up, I had a massive headache and I was too warm. I was in his room and Caleb was wrapped around me like a blanket. I tried to get his hands off me but only managed to wake him up. As foggy as my memory is, I can still see that scene of him kissing Ashley as clear as if it was happening in front of me again.

Just as he was waking up, my phone beeped and a message from Lily came in.

“Thank heavens everybody was too drunk to film you drunk. No scandals for Uncle to get mad at. Haha. :P Tell Caleb thanks for sending me home. Family night out’s at 7 tonight. Don’t forget! ^^”

I laughed despite my headache and texted her back. Caleb, kissed my cheek and said, “What are you laughing at so early in the morning?”

I tried my best not to snap at him and said, “Nothing.”

“Hmmm. Its nice waking up to you in the morning. Have you considered moving into our house?” he chuckled.

When I didn’t answer him back, he looked at me worriedly. He quickly got up and exited the room. It was then that I noticed that I was dressed in his shirt and shorts. I was fixing my hair when he went in with a glass and an Advil in hand.

“I told you not to drink too much when I’m not around,” he said while handing me the glass

“You’re always not around,” I snapped at him.

“Sorry. I’m almost done with my project. I was thinking we could spend more time together now,” he said while playing with my-his shirt. “You look good in these.”

“You didn’t change my clothes did you?”

“Of course not. Mom did. I didn’t want to have thoughts of raping you while you’re passed out,” he laughed jokingly.

I was biting my tongue, trying hard not to mention what I saw last night when he pushed me back to lie down.

“You’re still drunk. Let’s sleep some more,” he said while positioning himself beside me.

I couldn’t control myself and I snapped, “Don’t come near me.”

“What? Why?” he said questioningly.

“I- I-“ I stuttered while still deciding what to say. Should I get mad at him? Shouldn’t I be leaving him right now? I mean, Ashley’s my best friend!

Before I can speak, he held my chin and turned my head to face him, “You trust me, don’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

He shrugged and laid back down. Before I can speak, he silenced my lips with his. When he leaned away, he was smiling widely. Closing his eyes, with that smile still on his face, he said, “Let’s talk when you’re sober.” He enveloped me in his arms and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and my headache was gone. Caleb was gone as well. I was looking for my clothes when he entered the room.

“Where are my clothes?”

“Mom had them washed,” he said walking towards me. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“I have to get away from you.”

“What? Why?”

“You’re clouding my judgment. I’m supposed to be mad at you!” I said hitting him in the chest.

“Why are you supposed to be mad at me?” he said sounding amused.

“Ashley’s my best friend, dammit!” I shouted at him.

Shocked, he stepped back, “You don’t un-“

“What? I don’t understand?!” I said cutting him off. “What? That you were kissing my best friend behind my back?! Is that what I don’t understand?!”


“No. Don’t even say my name. I’m out of here.” I ran out, still in his shirt and shorts, wearing my boots. Good thing Aunt Elena wasn’t around and I managed to run out before Caleb could catch up with me. Knowing perfectly well that Jay was outside, I stormed out of their house, shocking him and the other guards. Without questions, he led me to the car and opened the door for me. Just as I was about to go in, I heard Caleb call my name. I shut the door and he was pounding on the windows asking me to open them.

Jay turned to me and I snapped, “Home!”

He bowed his head to Caleb and Caleb understood his actions. He stepped back from the car and looked at me. Jay drove away, leaving Caleb cursing to himself.


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