Chapter 5 - Once Upon a Time

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Having Caleb as a boyfriend seriously has its ups and downs.

We started dating when we were in college. He was older than me by a year and unsurprisingly, was the most popular guy in school. With the looks, the charms and the money, girls fall head over heels for him. Actually, even without the money, it was hard not to. He has that certain smile which drops girls to their feet. Everywhere he goes, even until now, girls blush at the sight of him.

Having girls be the one to chase you, he’s known as the campus crush, swooning girls one day at a time. He takes them out for a night and the next day, acts as if nothing happened. And yet, these girls can say nothing bad against him. Some even say that he’s still the most charming guy they’ve met.

On my first day of college, not to boast or anything, but my friends say that I managed to catch everybody’s-guys and girls-attention on campus. Of course, this was unexpected since at that time, I had been modelling for the biggest clothing lines in the world. In addition to that, I had a bodyguard with me, shadowing my every step. And so I really was an attention-grabber.

Back to my story, on my first day, I was sitting with Jay (my forever bodyguard) at the university cafeteria. My brother and Christian had just been to my table. Unsurprisingly again, they were also two of the most popular guys in the whole university. Having different schedules, they had to go to class and leave me. I was trying to avoid all the stares when Caleb sat beside me and put his arms around me.

“Hey princess, why are you sitting alone?” he says sweetly.

I shrugged off his hug and looked at him pointedly, “I told you to not call me princess.”

He laughed before putting his arms on the back of my chair, “Fine babe.”

“And please, don’t call me like one of your toys,” I snapped.

“You’re grumpy,” he poked me before asking, “What’s the matter?”

“Everybody’s staring at me. I hate it,” I said pouting.

“You’re a five-star model, aren’t you used to that by now?”

“Five-star?” I laughed, “I’m not a hotel. Plus, I’m not modelling right now. Don’t these people know it’s rude to stare?”

“They’re staring at you ‘cause you’re with me,” he said. I rolled my eyes at him.

He added, “And you’re with Jay.” He turned to Jay who was standing beside me, “I’ll take care of her Jay. I think you can go now.”

“I’m sorry Young Master Park, but it was specifically Master Lee’s orders that I be with Young Miss 24/7,” he says formally before returning to his position.

I sighed and Caleb grunted dejectedly. “What?” I asked.

“So that means I can’t have you for myself,” he pouted.

I laughed, “Seriously, where’s your girl for the week?” I said looking around.

“I don’t have one,” he shrugged. “I told you. I’m a changed man. You gave me until your first day of college, right?”

I flashbacked to my 3rd year in high school. It was the peak of my modelling career, I was balancing my time between school and modelling. It was one of the craziest years of my life. It was also the time when I leaned onto Caleb the most for support. I’d been harboring a long-time crush with him since he saved me from the most embarrassing event of my life in middle school. But that’s another story.

So anyway, the high school Caleb was pretty much the same as the college Caleb. He was the campus playboy and every week, he had a different girl in his arms. But even so, he still manages to make time for me when I needed him. He’d call me every night to talk. I fell even more for him.

Then there was this time when I was doing a week-long fashion show at the fashion center near our school. Because it was tiring for me to travel to and fro, Aunt Elena (Caleb’s mom) offered the apartment they had in that street for me to stay in while we practice for the show. Caleb offered to stay with me since I was undergoing “severe psychological stress” (their words).

One night, he offered to go back to the house for me since I forgot one of my shoes. When he came back, he had an odd expression. He looked so serious but was avoiding me for the most of the night.

When we went back, I was shocked to see my diary open at the foot of my bed. I probably left it open since I was running late that morning. I was even more shocked that it was open at the page where there was a picture of Caleb and another girl and underneath it were my words: I told you Sam. Don’t fall for him.

When I turned, I was surprised to see him by my door. He looked so hurt.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

I chuckled, trying to hide my embarrassment and nervousness at my unexpected confession, “Why would I? We can’t be.”

“What? Why?”

“You’re you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll just get hurt. Loving you hurts me.”

“If you just told me, I-“

“What? You’ll change?” I cut him off. “You won’t do that.”


“Please go.” I said, cutting him off again.

We didn’t see each other till the fashion show itself. Even so, we were awkward and didn’t really talk. Months passed by and it was already their graduation. While our families were busy with each other, he pulled me aside and held my hand.

“I’ll wait for you in college,” he said seriously.


He cut me off, “No. Don’t talk. Just listen. I’ll wait for you. I’ll show you I’m worthy of your love. Just listen to me and believe in me.”

I was stunned at his words. I was slowly beginning to think that he liked me too. But after a month, I saw him with another girl once again. At that time, I told myself I’ll stop liking him. I buried myself in work and became the highest paid model in Korea. And at some point, I believed that I didn’t like him at all.

“You haven’t changed. I’ve heard rumors you know,” I chuckled at him. Recently, our relationship was going back to the way it was.

“Ask anybody in this room.”

“Ask them how many women you’ve slept with since your first day?” I laughed dryly.

“Ask them how I haven’t been dating anybody since the last semester. You really don’t believe me, do you?” he said looking hurt.

“I don’t,” I said standing up. “I have class,” I said before walking away from him.

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