Part 9

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"Wholly shit" Harry yells.

Ben and Harry both run over to my side and bend down next to me and Zayn.

"Louis buddy, shit" Ben yells.

"Louis, it's okay I'm here you're okay" Harry says.

He reaches out and grabs my hand and strokes my forehead. Im still flitting in and out of consciousness.

"It hurts" I groan.

"I know Lou, I need to take your jacket off now babes okay" Zayn says carefully.

"No Zayn hurts" I cry.

"Shhhhhh Lou you're okay shhhhh" Harry comforts me.

"I assume you're Zayn?" Ben asks.

"Yeah mate I'm Zayn, thanks for coming...." Zayn says.

"Of course, but I assume since we are here and Louis isn't in a hospital yet, that there is a reason for that" Ben says.

"Yep, but We'll have to,explain later. We only have about half an hour to get him out of here and he is in so much pain I'm not sure if we can even risk moving him" Zayn says.

Harry is whispering words of comfort in my ear as Zayn reaches out and starts to unzip my hoodie. He open is up and gulps.

"Fuck, shit, shit shit" he says.

There is blood soaking through my shirt. Harry and Ben help Zayn take my hoodie off slowly.

"Aghhhhhhhhhhh" I scream out in pain.

The pain is so bad I'm gasping for air.

"Shhhhhhh relax, just breathe Louis, we are nearly finished" Ben says comfortingly to me.

They get my hoodie off and Zayn lifts up my shirt, and feels around as best he can.

"Zayn stop, stop fuck please aghhhhhh" I scream.

It hurts so badly, I squeeze Harry's hand so tightly.

"It's okay little one, shhhhhh" Harry whispers to me.

"He definitely has broken ribs, the bruising is extensive. I'm sure there is some form of internal bleeding" Zayn says more to himself.

"Zayn we have to go, we only have 15 minutes" Liam panics as he paces back and forth.

Ben and Harry share a look.

"Louis bud, Harry is going to pick you up now and we are going to take you to his house where we will fix you up, okay matey" Ben says.

I nod my head as Harry carefully puts his arms under my legs and shoulders and lifts me into his arms.

"I've got you it's okay I've got you Lou" Harry reassures me.

Ben tells Liam Harry's address and I'm carried out to Harry's car. Ben opens the back door for Harry and I and Harry settles us carefully on the back seat, me still in his lap. Ben goes around to the front of the car and hops in the drivers seat.

"Harry it hurts" I say tiredly.

"I know Louis, I'm so sorry you're hurt"

"Louis buddy, We promised Liam We wouldn't ask questions, but Louis you are really hurt and we need you to tell us why you can't go to the hospital, because I really think you need to be taken to the ER" coach Ben tells me. There is no anger or frustration in his voice, he is genuinely worried for me.

"I-I-I...b-b-because ...Liam, I'll get taken away from Liam and I can't be taken away" I say getting upset as the tears start again.

"Okay Louis, shhhhhhh it's okay" Ben says.

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