Part 6

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I get into the car with Liam and buckle up, I look out the window at the field and see Mr styles watching me. How could I have been so stupid, how could I have let my guard slip like that. I shouldn't have said anything I'm such an idiot. If Mr Styles starts snooping around he could make this all ten times worse, this is such a mess. Everything was fine until he came along, I've been hiding this secret for two years completely fine. Now I feel everything slipping and I don't understand why he has taken such an interest to me. I'm not going to deny Harry is extremely gorgeous and he gives me butterflies every time I'm around him, he makes me feel safe and for some reason I feel like he genuinely cares about me. He couldn't though he is just doing his job.

We pull away from the fields and head towards home, dread filling my stomach a we get closer and closer to that house.

"So how was practise?" Liam asks me, trying to distract me.

"Fine, my side was hurting a bit and coach told me to go shower... I was fine Li, I can't get kicked off the team I was playing fine" I say getting worked up again.

"I know bud, Ben said your game was still amazing but that he could tell you were struggling. This could be a big year for you Louis and he just wants you in top form that's all" Liam tells me.

"Well I would be Li, if dad would stop fucking me up. He is wrecking my life Liam, I can't take it much longer, I need to get away from him. I hate him so much. Today was hell having to come up with this amazing story of how I fell down the stairs. It's tiring and I slipped up today and I don't know how long it's going to be before I break" I yell.

Liam grips the steering wheel a little tightly and looks towards me.

"How did you slip up Louis?" Liam says a little short with me.

"I-I-I accidentally told Mr Styles that I get hurt a lot and know how to play through it. I didn't mean too. I was angry and It just slipped" I say defensively.

"Louis, the last thing we need is people snooping around, you have to be more careful" Liam yells back at me in frustration.

"Don't you think Know that Liam, I told you I was sorry I didn't do it on purpose" I yell.

We pull up at home and I race out of the car and into the house, dad is in the Lounge room alone this time but clearly high on some drug or something.

"You're late you faggott" he spits at me and stands up blocking my way so I can't pass through.

"I had football, Liam picked me up" I say quietly looking down at my feet.

"So now Liam is running around after you is he, you are not worth anyones time Louis, can't you understand that" He yells at me.

He shoves my into the wall, he then reaches out And grabs my chin and pulls my face towards him.

"That bruise looks good on you, it's all you fucking deserve" he says.

He shoves me again and I hit the wall, I dodge him and race off towards my room. He follows me ,yelling profanities at me. I make it before he gets to me and close and lock the door before he can get in, he bangs loudly and just yells through the wall.

"You are worthless Louis, I hate you, it's all your fault your mother left!! She would be so upset that you are gay, that you are a stupid ugly faggot" he yells.

"Dad, hey come on let's get some dinner hey" I hear Liam try and coax him away from my door.

"Liam, my son. I'm so proud of you Liam, I love you so much, your mother loved you you know. She loved everything about you and so do I" my dad slurs out.

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