Part 9

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There were risens everywhere and were killing people. You started dispatching as many as possible, stabbing and decapitating a few. You saw Warlock who was standing up ahead.

Warlock:It looks like this kingdom is doom and will fall.

Y/n:Prepare yourself Warlock.

You charged straight at him and started clashing your sword with him. But you were simply overpowered by him.

Warlock:It looks like you're really gonna lose Y/n.

Y/n:Over my dead my body.

He kicked you to the ground and was about to pierce you but Lucina blocked his attack but Warlock ended knocking away her sword and punched her in the stomach causing her to cough up blood.


Warlock picked her up by the neck and then threw to the ground.

Warlock:I guess it's time to end this.

Warlock raised his sword and prepared to finish both you and Lucina off but Chrom came in front of you guys and blocked with his own sword. Chrom and Warlock continued clashing their swords together.

Y/n:Alright Lucina, we have defeat as many Risens as possible.


You and Lucina started killing as many Risens as you can. Some dark auras started coming out of your body.

Warlock:Enough playing around, come out now!

You started screaming really loud.


A giant creature came from your body.


Warlock:This is Grima!

Robin a fired a spell at Warlock but Warlock easily blocked it and fired a dark spell at her knocking her down.

Y/n:I don't feel so good Lucina.

Lucina:Hang in there Y/n.

Lukas:Takes this you bastard.

Lukas charged straight at Warlock clashing his weapon with his. Lukas ended getting a few hits on Warlock but unfortunately Warlock stabbed Lukas through the stomach. Lukas fell to the ground


Lissa ran by his side.

Lukas:You call me Lukas instead in weirdo this time.

Lissa:Oh shut up you weirdo, you'll be fine.

Your body was starting become on fire(Like naruto)


You started started getting up.

Y/n:I Y/n, well send you Grima straight to hell.

You started flying the air started fighting Grima. You manage cut a few of Grima's arms.

Y/n:How you like that?

Grima tried to attack you but dodged and you strikes and blew Grima to bits.

Warlock:Damn it! Looks like I'm gonna have to do this myself.

Y/n:Aren't you forgetting something?

You were holding the orange crystal Warlock.

Warlock:Give me that.

Y/n:Hmm... Nah.

You tossed it up in the air.

Y/n:Lucina, now!


You and Lucina sliced the crystal destroying it.

Warlock:You!I'll kill you!

Warlock charged straight at you guys but some ghost things came send a screaming Warlock to hell. You went back to normal form.

Y/n:Phew, looks like it's over.

You looked over to see Lukas lying on the ground near dead. You walked over and used your healing poses to heal him. Lukas opened his eyes. He looked over to Lissa.

Lukas:Hey what's up my little rose.

Lissa:Lukas, You're okay.

Lissa hugged with tears coming from her eyes.

Lucina:Y/n, remember when we...

Y/n:Yeah please don't talk about it.

Lucina:Well gonna tell you our family have gotten a little bigger.

Lucina started rubbing her belly. Everyone were shocked


Y/n:Well look on the bright side, You're gonna be a grandfather Chrom. So Robin you feeling good?

Robin:Yeah I'm fine.

Y/n:Guys we should all just sit back reacts this victory while we still can, someone straighten to destroy kingdom or our workd, we will stop no matter what!

Everyone started cheering.

Y/n:I hope things are shaping up.

The end.

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