Part 5

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You were all welcomed by lady Emmeryn the ruler.You started speaking to Emmeryn.

Y/n:Hey we had taken care some bandits, they won't be bothering us for a while.

Emmeryn:Wonderful and our people?

Chrom:They're as safe as they can be, emm. We still need to watch to the border.The Brigands crossed over the Plegia.

Y/n:We all make some mistakes, ain't that right Phila?

Phila:Yes milord, we should have intercepted them.

Y/n:No,You had one duty here in the exalt.

Lissa:Besides we had plenty of help.

Emmeryn:Ah,you speak of your new companion here?

Chrom:This is Robin, she fought bravely with us against the Brigands.Ice decided to make her a shepherd.

Emmeryn:It sounds as though Ylisse owes you a debts of gratitude, Robin.

Robin:Not at all milady.

Y/n:Yeah but keep an looks eye on her.

Emmeryn:Y/n I suggest that you remain silent.

Y/n:Yes milady.

Frederick:Forgive your grace, but I must speak.Robin claims to have lost her memory, but it is only that:a claim.We cannot rule out the possibility that she is a Bridgend herself or even a plegain spy.

Y/n:Well that's what I'd been saying.


Emmerym:Yet you allowed her into the castle,Chrom. Does this woman have your trust?

Chrom:Yes, she risked her life for people, that's good even for me.

Emmeryn:Well then,Robin... It seems you be earned Chrom's faith, and as such you have mine as well.


Emmeryn:But Thank you, Frederick for your prudence, as always.Y/n,Chrom and Lissa are blessed to have so tireless guardian. I do hope they remember to mention that from time to time...

Frederick:The occasionally express akin to gratitude, your grace.Phila I assume you've heard about the deathly creature we encountered yes?

Phila:Yes Milard, they've been sighted

Lukas:Can you teach this brat some manners please?

Emmeryn:And I say that you teach my sister here some respect.

Lukas:Yes your milady.

Lissa started laughing at Lukas.

Stay tuned for the next part.

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