Part 4

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You guys all travelled to Ylisstol. Robin was really surprised to see this many people in nine place.

Robin:So this is Ylisstol, capital of Ylisse, I never seen so many people.

Y/n:Yeah, in fact it is. So why are you so amazed by my name.

Robin;No, it just not it came to me, that's all.

Y/n:I'm really getting more and more curious about you.

Lissa:Y/n, can you eez off a bit please?

Lukas:Yeah, says the little drama queen.

Lissa:Hey, I'm not a drama queen.

Y/n:It's really nice to see that you guys are really getting along.

Frederick:It seems that the capital was spared by the chaos we encountered, thank the gods.I see no evidence of the great quake,It must be limited to the forest.

Lissa:Well that's a relief.

Y/n:Man, when I have enough time, I might go fishing one day.

Old villager:Look!The exalt have come to us.

You saw a woman who was being cheered by everyone.

Robin:The exalt is your ruler, I see.

Y/n:That lady you see There is Lady emmeryn, she's quite a beauty you know.

Robin:Is it safe for her to walk among commoners like that?

Frederick:The exalt is a symbol of piece, Ylisse's most prized quality.Long ago, at the dawn of a our age, the dragon fell tried to destroy the world.but the first exalt joined forces with first divine dragon and laid the beast low.Exalt Emmeryn reminds me of the peace we fought for then.

Chrom:With Plegia poking at outer borders, the people need her.She's calming presence, when some might other wise call for war.

Robin:Then the Ylissean people are indeed lucky to have her.

Y/n:Well, you indeed got that right, weird person.

Robin:What is with you calling me weird?

Chrom:Just ignore him.

Lissa:Emmeryn is also the best big sister that anyone could ask for.

Robin:Yeah, imagine she... Wait, what she's your?But wouldn't that make you and Chrom...

Y/n:Yeah they're the princess and Prince.I am also a prince too, they call me the fire prince.

Lukas:Well at least Emmeryn seems a whole lot nicer than that little brat over there.


Lissa stepped on Lukas's toe causing him to yelp in pain.

Lukas:You are really annoying.


You guys all meet up with Lady Emmeryn.

Emmeryn:Who might you be there stranger?

Lissa:That's Lukas, he saved my life.

Emmeryn:You saved my dear sister's life so there, you have y gratitude.

Lukas:Thank you miss Emmeryn.

Stay tuned for the next update.

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