Part 7

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You once again confronted Marth. You were really furious with him that he thinks that's you are the bad guy.

Y/n:I don't what's your problem,but I am Not your enemy Marth.

Marth:Tell that to my dead father.

Y/n:Oh so you thought that I killed your father, but you are really mistaking me for someone else I swear.

Marth took put his sword and readied himself to fight You.

Y/n:Do you really wanna go again, didn't you learnt your lesson the last time we fought, you were clearing out match at that time.

Marth:That may be true but I warn you I get stronger time you knock me down.

Chrom came towards you guys.

Chrom:What's going on here?

Marth:I'm saving your life from him.

Chrom:What?But Y/n my friend.

Marth:That's what you think.

Y/n:Listen here sir, I'm about puddle you into the dirt again if you don't back off now.

Marth:Make me.


You rushed straight towards Marth but surprisingly he gotten really better from the last time you two fought. He dodged each of your attacks. You used your same clone technic and charged at Marth as he dispatches all of your clones  You tried to strike him from but behind him but Marth behind him and kicked you to the ground.

Y/n:Why you have really gotten stronger the after the last time we fought.

Marth:I told you didn't I?I get stronger everyone you knock me down.

Y/n:Alright then, bring it on.

You two charged towards each other . You used your power to increase your speed dodged every time one of Marth's attacks before punching him several times and punching him into a tree.

Marth:I see you still got some tricks up your sleeves I see.

Before he could charge straight at you a guy came rushing at Marth but he jumped up and dispatches the guy.

Marth:I trust this proof will be suffice.

A another guy came rushing at him. Not having enough time to react, the guy ended up cutting off Marth's mask revealing to be a girl with long hair.

Y/n:I knew it.

You quickly dispatches the guy who cut off Marth's mask.

Y/n:I knew you're not the real Marth from the first time we met. Who are you?

Lucina:Lucina, now prepare yourself Grima.

Y/n:Sorry but no.

You walked away from Lucina.

Lucina:Hey don't walk away from me face me Grima.

You simply ignored her and walked off.

Stay tuned for the next part.

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