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*Note: I'm sorry if I made the ending seem abrupt. But I hope you guys like it :D! *

The fourth month of pregnancy was a tough one for you. You had to stay in bed that full month. You began feeling pain and pressure on your stomach. This was, explained the healer, because of the baby's nature. They were still unsure of what it would be...if it would be a Jotun or not, and they could only see that once the baby was born, and not before.

This whole month you were taken care by Frigga and the healer. Thor would come visit every day and tell you about how he met Jane, how much he missed her. You'd always tell him to just marry her and bring her live here with all of you. He'd just blush and say that he knew that his father would be against it.
You: "I do believe that you must prove to your father that you truly love her. And that she means the world to you. I know that she knows this...but your father hasn't seen the two of you together. The way you look at each other...I know it's killing both of you...You should give it a shot. And if he doesn't let you, well..why not go live with her on Earth?" he looked surprised about it.

Thor: "I hadn't thought about that possibility.." he said as he pondered over it

You: "hahaha, well you've got time to think and plan whatever it is you want to do. And you must know that whatever your choice is, I'll be right there to support the both of you" you said with a warm smile.
Thor: "Thank you, I just want to be as happy as you two are.."
You: "You will be. Just wait. And remember, we'll help you in everything and every way we can"

Thor: "I thank you again. Well, I've got some thinking to do. And I will leave so you can rest as well. Talking does tire you out" he said with a small laughter.

You: "Take care, Thor. And come tell me what you've decided" you waved at him.

The days passed on by quickly. The fourth month had finally passed and you could walk again, though Frigga and Thor stressed that you should always call any of them if you were to get up. You were eternally grateful for how much they worried and cared for you. And now you were in your last month. You hated the thought of not having Loki by you when your child would be born, but he still had some time to fulfill his sentence.

You were slowly walking with Odin in the garden.

Odin: "so, how are you feeling?"

You: "I am feeling well, alfather. Though it appears that the little one is becoming more restless."
Odin: "and does it hurt when that happens?" he asked, with clear worry in his voice. You knew that as the months had passed, that he had gotten kinder and softer towards how he treated you.
You: "It does not. Oh, it's happening right now. Want to feel?" you asked him.

Odin: "Can I?"

You: "Of course, just put your hand here...oh, did you feel that?" you said with a smile.
Odin: "I-I did! I felt it move" he grinned. He then stood straight.
Odin: "Aren't you worried?"

You: "that it could be a jotun? Not really."you answered simply

Odin: "how so?"

You: "Well, Loki's a jotun. You and Frigga did a fantastic job when raising your son. So I only hope that Loki and I can be as good as parents as you two were" you smiled at him. He let out a small chuckle.
Odin: "I can see why Loki chose you...You've melted his frozen heart...and I thank you for it. I think I can finally say that my son has returned home." he said with a soft smile.

You: "Well, I think you should tell him that next time you see him. Some things may seem obvious to one. But with Loki, it's better to just tell him what one's thinking"

Darkness--- A Loki Story  (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now