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You wake up some hours later to a knock on the door.

Robot: "Lunch will be ready in an hour. When you are ready go down to the second floor" and with that the robot left.

You: "ugh...what time is it?" you groan as you turn in bed. Two arms then wrap around your waist and pull you close.

Loki: "too early.." he also groaned.

You: "Well good morning dear" you smile as you kiss him on the cheek.
Loki: "morning..."

You: "I think we have to take a shower before going downstairs....I wonder if they have clothes for us here" you said as you got up and went to the closet. To your surprise there were many outfits for both you and Loki to pick from. After you took a shower and got dressed, you took the elevator to the dining room floor. You saw everyone already sitting down at the table and having breakfast. You then sat down next to Tony.

You: "is everything alright? You do not seem so well" you say with a worried look.

Tony: "well, let's just say I had a little bit too much to drink last night, and then later all my energy was used" he then winked at Pepper with the last part, making her blush.

You: "You mortals have a low tolerance to alcohol" you say with a soft laugh

Bruce: "yes, but it was nice"

Thor: "we should do gatherings like this more often."

Natasha: "where will the next one be?" she said liking the idea. Then loki spoke up.

Loki: "how about over at our place?" he said coolly and then took a sip of coffee. Everyone looked up at him.

Loki: "what is the matter?" he said raising an eyebrow, thinking he had said something wrong.

You: "that is a great idea!!"

Bruce: "hmm, it would be cool to see where you guys live" he said with a smile

Thor: "what a brilliant idea brother!! We must inform father once we get back!" Loki furrowed his eyebrows with the last statement. You then softly put your hand on his shoulder.

You: "We will be with you and explain to the Allfather what happened. I know he will forgive you. You are his son" He then scowled at you.

You: "oh don't you dare give me that look!"you said raising an eyebrow, "direct bloodline or not, you still are his son." Loki then brought his gaze to the cup.

Thor: "I know we will be able to reason with him. You have to trust us" he said smiling at his brother

Loki: "*sigh* with you two, I really do not think Odin will want to do anything to me. I mean, imagine you two going on a rampage..." he said with a soft laugh. You all tried to imagine it, and joined his laughter.

You: "when will we be returning to Asgard?" you ask Thor

Thor: "I was thinking that it would be best if we were to go as soon as possible"

You: "alright. Then what do you think of returning tomorrow?"

Loki: "Why tomorrow?"

You: "So your brother can spend a little more time with Jane" you say with a smile. You see Thor smile and Jane blush, but give you a thankful nod.

Tony: "awesome, so how about we all just stay here until then?"

Natasha: "sure, I've got nothing to do"

Bruce: "that would be nice" he said hugging Betty

Steve: "sounds nice"

You: "yes, we all deserve to relax now" you say with a smile and a sigh.

Darkness--- A Loki Story  (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now